Anne Schmitt ’08

Summer 2007 Davies Leader

“Project ONE – Offering Nutrition for Everyone”
French Creek Project and Meadville Markethouse

The French Creek Project is dedicated to conservation and education that will create a thriving, healthy relationship between community and environment. Under the management of the French Creek Project, the Meadville Markethouse initiated Project ONE, a community-supported agriculture program in the summer of 2007. As the Davies Leader at the Markethouse, Anne helped coordinate vegetable pickups, deliveries, and routes. She helped assemble produce baskets, created a weekly newsletter with recipes, and created brochures and media materials for the project. Anne also started the Market House Tote Bag Exchange, in an effort to cut down on Meadville residents’ use of paper and plastic bags.

Anne states that: “Working with the French Creek Project has allowed me to participate in a project that is changing the lives of people in Meadville. I have seen many people get excited about eating healthy again, and some of those people would not be able to get out to the grocery store on their own. The Davies Program made it possible, and I have no doubt that Project ONE will continue to grow. Working in the Meadville community this summer has helped me to make change in the place where environment, community, and health intersect. The Davies Program has helped me to further my personal aspirations in community change, activism, and the environment.”

Anne is a Political Science major and Art and the Environment minor. Anne has worked extensively on a variety of environmental, peace, and justice issues. She is from Pittsburgh and will graduate from Allegheny College in January 2008.