Allegheny Researchers Present Work at Annual Meeting of the Association of Environmental Science and Studies

Eric Pallant, Christine Scott Nelson Endowed Professor of Environmental Sustainability, presented “How to Save 10% on the All-College Electric Bill” at the 2015 Annual Meeting of the Association of Environmental Science and Studies. The paper discussed the success of the October Energy Challenge and was written in conjunction with Beth Choate (Assistant Professor of Environmental Science), Kelly Boulton (Allegheny College Sustainability Coordinator), Casey Bradshaw-Wilson (Visiting Assistant Professor of Environmental Science), and Ian Carbone (Assistant Professor of Environmental Science). Professor Choate presented “Why Banning Bottled Water Doesn’t Solve the Problem,” which was written in conjunction with Assistant Professor of Environmental Science Brittany Davis, Jacqueline Verrechia ’17, Kelly Boulton, and Professors Wilson, Pallant, and Carbone. The paper examined use of bottled water by students on the Allegheny campus, which was assessed by Professors Choate and Davis’s Spring 2014 section of ES 210: Environmental Science Research Methods. Professors Pallant, Choate, Davis, Associate Professor of Environmental Science and Global Health Studies Caryl Waggett, Professor Bradshaw-Wilson, Assistant Professor of Environmental Science Ben Haywood, and Professor of Environmental Science Richard Bowden presented the poster “Teaching Environmental Research by Doing It in an Entry-Level Course,” which describes the course “Environmental Research Methods.” Sadie Stuart ’15 and Professor Bowden presented the poster “The Carbon Athletic Conference,” which described Sadie’s senior thesis quantifying social, economic, and environmental costs of participation by the Allegheny softball team in the North Coast Athletic Conference.

Source: Academics, Publications & Research