Reunion Giving

Your Reunion Gift Celebrates and Strengthens Allegheny College

Your Allegheny Reunion is an exciting opportunity for you to renew friendships and return to campus during one of the most beautiful times of year.

As you reflect on the meaningful role that the College has played in your life, we hope you also will consider making a special gift in honor of your Reunion and your Allegheny education. You can help make the same life-changing experience possible for today’s students—and strengthen the College for generations to come.

A special commitment in honor of your Reunion may include:

  • Giving at an increased level to the Annual Fund, which provides essential support for financial aid, academic programs, campus upkeep and preservation, and nearly every aspect of an Allegheny education
  • Endowing a scholarship, faculty position or other fund to provide perpetual resources that ensure Allegheny’s continued success
  • Supporting Allegheny through your will or other long-term financial plans

A Reunion gift of any kind is deeply appreciated and makes a difference at Allegheny College.

When to Make Your Gift
Giving Options
How to Support Your Class Gift

When to Make Your Gift

New gifts and pledges must be received by June 30 of your Reunion year to be included in your class gift. We encourage you to make your commitment earlier in the year so it may be included in the total announced at Reunion Weekend.

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Giving Options

There are many ways to give to Allegheny:

  • Cash gifts
  • Pledges (made for the reunion year or the two years following)
  • Gifts of securities
  • Gifts of real estate
  • Gifts of retirement plans
  • Gifts that pay you income (charitable gift annuities and trusts)
  • Gifts by will (bequests)
  • Gifts made through a third party (donor-advised fund)
  • Matching gifts from your employer

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How to Support Your Class Gift

You may conveniently and securely make a gift online with your MasterCard, Visa, American Express, or Discover card.

Automatic Monthly Giving
You may specify a recurring gift that the College will receive each month from your credit card, debit card, or bank account. Learn more about recurring gifts.

Call 866-332-3853 to make a gift via phone with your MasterCard, Visa, American Express, or Discover card.

Postal Mail
You may send a personal check (payable to Allegheny College) with a pledge card that you have received in the mail or the printable giving form to:
Office of Annual Giving
Allegheny College
520 North Main Street
Meadville, PA 16335

Gifts of Securities
Please call 814-332-2948 for transfer instructions.

Gifts by Will and Other Planned Gifts
For more information about including Allegheny in your estate plans or gift options that help to protect your assets, provide for your family, and guarantee you income for life, please visit the Gift Planning website or contact Melissa Mencotti, director of gift planning, at 814-332-6519 or

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