Other Helpful Information

If the information you need does not appear below, contact the Office of Foundation & Corporate Relations at (814) 332-3864.

Budget Template
Suggested Summer Stipends
Fringe Costs
Indirect Costs
Authorized Organizational Representative
Legislative Information

Budget Template

If the foundation you are applying to does not have its own budget template, you can use this budget template as a guide. (Please make a copy of the Google Sheet so you can make edits.)

Suggested Summer Stipends

If your grant allows summer salary, most proposal budgets include 1/9 or 2/9 of salary, depending upon whether you anticipate spending one or two months of full-time employment on the grant work. The following chart provides sample calculations for summer stipends for faculty. These should be used only if the funder has no specific guidelines about salaries. Faculty grant-funded salary amounts may not exceed 2/9 of salary.

Summer Stipend Summer Fringe Benefits
Salary 1/9 (1 mo.) 2/9 (2 mo.) 1/9 x .0765 2/9 x .0765
50,000 5,556 11,111 425 850
55,000 6,111 12,222 467 935
60,000 6,667 13,333 510 1,020
65,000 7,222 14,444 552 1,105
70,000 7,777 15,554 595 1,190
75,000 8,333 16,666 637 1,275

Fringe Costs

Whenever grant funds are used to pay salaries and wages, associated fringe benefits must also be charged to the grant, so they need to be included in your budget. Fringe includes costs such as social security, unemployment/worker’s compensation, retirement and health insurance. Allegheny’s fringe rates are listed below:

Fringe benefit rate for academic year: 41% of salary
For example, if the total salaries and wages for the academic year of the project are $6,400, the fringe would be $6,400 x .41 = $2,624.

Fringe benefit rate for summer salaries and/or stipends: 7.65% of summer stipend/salary

Indirect Costs

Indirect costs include costs that are frequently referred to as overhead expenses (for example, rent and utilities) and general and administrative expenses (for example, employees’ salaries, accounting department costs and personnel department costs). College policy requires you to include indirect costs in your budget, if permitted by the funder. For federal grants, the college negotiates indirect cost rates for both on-campus and off-campus work with the Department of Health and Human Services, and this sets the rates to be used for all federal grants. These rates must be used unless the specific program guidelines dictate otherwise. We have also included guidance about non-federal grants:

Federal indirect cost rate (on campus): 46% of salaries and wages
For example, if the total salaries (including summer stipends) and wages of the project are $6,400, the overhead would be $6,400 x .46 = $2,944.

Federal indirect cost rate (off campus): 25% of salaries and wages

Indirect cost rate for non-federal grants: Maximum permitted by the funder. If no guidelines are provided, the indirect cost rate should be 15% of the total grant budget.

If you have any questions about this or would like more information, please contact the FCR office at fcr@allegheny.edu.

Authorized Organizational Representative

Dr. Amber Pouliot
Director, Foundation & Corporate Relations
(814) 332-2233

Legislative Information

Congressional District: 3rd

State Senatorial District: 50th

State Representative District: 6th



Honorable Mike Kelly
U.S. House of Representatives
1707 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-5406, Fax (202) 225-3103
208 East Bayfront Parkway, Suite 102
Erie, PA 16507
(814) 454-8190, Fax (814) 454-8197
Senator John Fetterman
U.S. Senate
Russell Senate Office Building, Suite 142
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-4254
17 South Park Row, Suite B-120
Erie, PA 16501
Senator Robert Casey, Jr.
383 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-6324, Fax (202) 228-0604
17 South Park Row, Suite B-150
Erie, PA 16501
(814) 874-5080, Fax (814) 874-5084


Senator Michele Brooks
Senate Box 203050
Harrisburg, PA 17120-3050
(717) 787-1322, Fax (717) 772-0577
100 Hadley Road
Suite 3
3 Greenville Plaza West
Greenville, PA 16125
(724) 588-8911, Fax (724) 588-5464
Representative Brad Roae
151 East Wing
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2006
(717) 787-2353, Fax (717) 782-2902
900-920 Water Street
Downtown Mall
Meadville, PA 16335
(814) 336-1136