Medical Record Request

As Meadville Medical Center transitions to covering the physical health of students in Winslow Health Center, Allegheny College maintains the overall wellness of the student body.

Allegheny medical records up to Fall 2021 are now housed in the Dean of Students page of the website, under “Wellness.” This includes any Health Status Report forms turned in by students who matriculated during the FA21 semester.

Once students are seen by Winslow Health Center in collaboration with Meadville Medical Center (MMC) they start a new medical chart that is the responsibility of Meadville Urgent Care Physicians. Medical Records Requests for students seen at Winslow Health Center in the Spring of 2022 and after must be obtained by calling (814) 807-0670 ext 301.

Please visit the Wellness Education page for more information on how to request medical records from Allegheny.