10 Things Richard Cook Has Done as Part of His "Official Duties" as President

  1. Flew in an open-cockpit acrobatic bi-plane, taking the controls when the pilot unexpectedly announced through the headphone, “It’s all yours!”
  2. Drove vintage Triumph and Harley-Davidson motorcycles in Homecoming parades.
  3. Toured western Crawford County in a hot-air balloon.
  4. Drove a mini-racecar in the Meadville Millennium Grand Prix.
  5. Let a magician make him disappear at the annual holiday luncheon.
  6. Was willingly decked by a student in a video production for a course.
  7. Invited the student government president to paint his face blue and gold for a fund-raiser during a football halftime ceremony.
  8. Served as a language interpreter on a museum visit as part of an Experiential Learning Term in the former East Germany.
  9. Sang and danced as a “Blues Brother” with the faculty band Credit/No Credit.
  10. Sat in a dunk tank at a carnival sponsored by Kappa Kappa Gamma

This article was featured in the Winter/Spring 2008 issue of Allegheny Magazine.