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Allegheny Listens Common Read Selected

Posted on January 29, 2019 | Filed under Archive

This post has been archived. Information below may be out of date and/or relate to a past event.

The Office of Institutional Diversity is pleased to announce that “Tales of Two Americas: Stories of Inequality in a Divided Nation,” edited by John Freeman, has been selected as the common read for the 2019-2020 Allegheny Listens Common Reading Experience Program. Thank you to everyone that contributed to the selection process. Allegheny Listens is designed to introduce new students to academic life at Allegheny and our community’s shared commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion prior to the start of classes. Before the start of each academic year, all first year and transfer students read a book that has been thoughtfully reviewed and selected by a committee of faculty, staff, and students. Be on the lookout for additional details about the 2019-2020 Allegheny Listens Common Reading Experience Program in the coming weeks.