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Seeking feedback on proposed SAC/AAC merger

Posted on November 14, 2021 | Filed under Archive

This post has been archived. Information below may be out of date and/or relate to a past event.

Staff Advisory Committee (SAC) and Administrative Advisory Committee (AAC) are now discussing combining the two committees into one. Their members are elected to represent the interests, opinions, and concerns of the non-exempt staff (SAC) and exempt staff (AAC) by participating in shared governance and communicating to the President and President’s Cabinet.

Members from both committees:

  • participate on college committees such as FFC (Finance and Facilities) and CoDE
  • address employee concerns
  • develop initiatives and programs related to staff interest
  • provide opportunities for social interaction and fun!

Why combine? In the past several years, the business of the committees has overlapped more than they ever have before. Priorities would include:

  • adopting the name “Staff Council” to provide an increased awareness across campus and streamline efforts to communicate to and from the committees
  • continued representation for our constituents, but now as a collective, stronger voice
  • centralized effort for improved communication and efficiencies across all activities
  • greater awareness and support of the issues that our fellow co-workers are experiencing across campus

Please reach out to an SAC representative or AAC representative to share your comments and questions! We are taking time with the details so that we give ourselves the adequate space to consider all benefits and obstacles. This way the end product is not only something we are proud of but is also sustainable and effective. We thank everyone in advance for their insight and feedback!