Allegheny College’s Dance and Movement Studies Program will present its annual holiday Cookies and Milk concert, especially for families and children, on Sunday, Dec. 4, with performances at 2 and 4 p.m. in the Montgomery Performance Space. Refreshments will be served between shows at 3 p.m. in the Campus Center lobby. Allegheny students from Dance and Movement Studies classes will perform
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Caitlin Brown ’17; Jonah Raether ’18; Dave Roncolato, director of the Office of Civic Engagement in the Gateway; and Eleanor Weisman, associate professor of Dance and Movement Studies, represented Allegheny College at the GLAA Conference “Civic Engagement & the Liberal Arts” in Kalamazoo, Mich., Oct. 23-25. Weisman introduced Brown and Raether, who presented on their work as Allegheny Community
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The Orchesis Dance Company will present its annual recital — with four performances — beginning on Wednesday, Nov. 9, in Allegheny College’s Shafer Auditorium. The first performance, on Nov. 9 at 8 p.m., is the designated Community Premiere Show for members of the Meadville community and Allegheny faculty and staff. Additional performances will be held
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Jan. 4, 2016 — The Dance and Movement Studies program at Allegheny College will be offering community ballroom lessons on Monday evenings beginning on January 18. Classes will be taught by Dance and Movement Studies faculty member Betsy Sumerfield in the Montgomery Performance Space on the Allegheny campus. A class for beginners will be held
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Heather Grubbs
December 5th 2014
Alumnus Discovers Unknown Passion at Allegheny It was 2007 – the first semester of Carlos Blandino-Lopez’s freshman year. Thinking that he someday wanted to be a doctor, he walked into the David V. Wise Sport & Fitness Center preparing to register only for neuroscience classes. At that time, the course registration process “was like a
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Heather Grubbs
October 3rd 2014
By Earl Corp/MEADVILLE TRIBUNE When Nathan Lewis came back from Iraq in 2004, he noticed things were different for him. “You go to war, (and) you come back changed,” Lewis said. Lewis didn’t let the change overcome him in a negative way. While he was a student at State University of New York at Potsdam,
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