Articles: Tag: News

Allegheny College Announces New Accelerated Masters Degree in Healthcare Management

Building on the recent announcement of a Healthcare Management major, Allegheny College is pleased to announce a new accelerated Master of Science program in that same area. The program (either 3+1 or 4+1) offers the opportunity for students to earn their BS and MS degrees in an accelerated timeline while continuing to study the field

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2024 Zingale Big Idea Competition Crowns Seven Winners And Awards $32,000 In Prizes

This year the 2024 Zingale Big Idea Competition (ZBIC) at Allegheny College crowned seven student investor new-business pitch teams from four Western Pennsylvania colleges and awarded $32,000 in prizes. The ZBIC is one of many co-curricular activities offered by the Bruce R. Thompson Center For Business & Economics (CBE) at Allegheny College. Held at Allegheny College’s

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Allegheny College Receives $299,925 Grant to Support Student Summer Research in the Sciences

Allegheny College received a $299,925 grant from the Sherman Fairchild Foundation to support student summer research in the sciences. Dr. Matt Venesky, associate professor of biology and director of the Office of Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities (URSCA), is the project director. During each year of the three-year grant, funding will cover stipends for

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Allegheny College Announces $14 Million in New Gifts from Skattum, Tillotson, and Nelson Multi-Generational Families

Allegheny College, one of the nation’s oldest and most innovative four-year colleges, where multidisciplinary learning breaks the conventional mold, is pleased to announce new gifts totaling $14 million from three multi-generational alumni families. The gifts will ensure that Allegheny College continues to provide an exceptional education, giving students and faculty the freedom to explore new

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Allegheny College To Celebrate Historic Solar Eclipse at Robertson Athletic Complex

A celebration will be held at the Robertson Athletic Complex Football Stadium on April 8 from noon to 4 p.m. during the eclipse. Allegheny College community, family, friends, and guests are invited to attend. The Astronomy Club and astrophysicist Professor Jamie Lombardi will be there to answer questions and help attendees understand the phenomenon.  The

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Allegheny College Announces New Healthcare Management Major

Allegheny College is pleased to announce the addition of a new major, a Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Management, offered to new and existing students beginning in the fall 2024 semester. The program addresses growing needs in the delivery of preventive health and healthcare services, preparing students with interdisciplinary expertise across the College, including coursework

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Allegheny College Awarded Designation by State of Pennsylvania as a PA Hunger-Free Campus

The Pennsylvania Department of Education has designated Allegheny College as a PA Hunger-Free Campus. Ian Binnington, Dean for the Student Experience, said of the achievement, “The designation isn’t just about fiddling with meal plans. It’s about structurally thinking about what are the needs of students, how we assess those needs, and how we meet those

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Allegheny College Awarded Grant through BHE GT&S Watershed Mini Grant Program to Support Creek Connections

Allegheny College has been awarded a grant of $3,500 for water quality monitoring supplies as part of the college’s Creek Connections program. This highly competitive grant was awarded after a rigorous evaluation process, with an application the committee said “was well-written, with a detailed budget narrative highlighting valuable conservation efforts.”  Each year, the Western Pennsylvania

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Allegheny College Students and Faculty Member Honored as 2023 Campus Sustainability Champions

The prestigious Pennsylvania Environmental Resource Consortium 2023 Campus Sustainability Champions honor was bestowed to Allegheny College student London Dejarnette, Solar Pilot Team, and Environmental Science & Sustainability Assistant Professor Matt Bethurem. This honor recognizes students, faculty, administrators, staff, student organizations, and non-student organizations of Pennsylvania schools who have made meaningful contributions to sustainability on their

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