
Start of a new semester

Tomorrow’s meeting at 12pm will involve the selection of officers and the start of new business for the committee.

The membership for the 2011-2012 Academic year is as follows:

Cluster 1 (Dean of College/President/Finance):
Kelly Boulton (returning)
Jodi Millin

Cluster 2 (Dean of Students excluding Athletics):
Jennifer Foxman (returning)
Jim Fitch

Cluster 3 (Athletics):
Kate Costanzo (returning)
Kelly Swiney

Cluster 4 (Development/Enrollment) :
Tahirah Jordan (returning)
Jesse Lavery

Cluster 5 (LITS):
Alan Bartlett (returning)
Brian Kern

Cluster 6 (New Employees):
Betsy Scarpaci

Elections and Summer

Minutes are posted to keep us update as of the last meeting.  (One more meeting’s minutes still to be approved.)

I just wanted to thank everyone for the heavy participation this year in the elections and say that we’ll be announcing the new membership as soon as we hear back from all of the committee members-to-be.

Where did Spring go?

It’s snowing outside.  It’s Spring.   Should AAC move that the snow cease and desist?  Regardless of the weather, we continue to be busy planning the trilogy with SAC and discussing administrative issues.

The minutes for the March 3rd meeting are now available in the minutes section.   AAC and SAC also met in joint session with Dr. Potter regarding the college’s diversity initiatives.  There is a real push to involve the broadest based community possible in these efforts, so we’re sure this is the first in a long series of reports on these initiatives!

Spring Update

With some of my new job responsibilities, I’ve had a little trouble keeping us on track as chair.  However, January meeting minutes have now been posted.  We had an in-depth discussion regarding the tracking of sick time.  It’s worth a read and comment to your committee member if you want to weigh in.

We had an informal meeting in February without minutes, where the only discussion of substance was around how the recent structure changes may or may not affect committee make up and the carefully construction plan from last year to ensure consistent and equal representation across campus.   (After that review, it was clear that the plan could move forward as-is!)

AAC and SAC are meeting this week with Dr. Potter to discuss campus diversity.  After that, major topics on our docket are consideration of the Summer Trilogy events and upcoming elections.  It is hard to believe Spring starts next week!

Busy semester

We’d like to apologize for not having posted minutes sooner than this.  It has been a busy semester for all of us, including AAC.

October’s minutes have now been posted on the minutes tab.  September and November should also be posted within a week.  We will also have the membership roster updated under the contact tab very very soon!

Please don’t assume that the lack of minutes corresponds with a lack of committee activity.  It’s quite the opposite!

How do you report your sick time?

AAC is reviewing the policies around how sick time is reported. The policies in the handbook regarding this issue are 500(C) and 900.4, and the committee finds a need for clarification. Reporting structures across campus seem to vary widely.

Campus Mass Email Policy Discussed

There has been a lot of discussion at AAC this year about the campus-wide mass email policy. There is a variety of channels used by people on campus to get messages out, including Inside News, mass emails and the Chompergram. Member concerns include the approval process and also what kind of access there is to different community groups (students, employees).

The committee has been working with Mike Richwalsky and the division of communication to discuss a new system. Testing is now underway of a new campus daily email, which is connected to the new MyAllegheny homepage that replaced the “inside” page a few months ago.

Section 125 Benefits Information Session: 11/11

Confused about flexible spending accounts? Have you used them in the past but stopped and are interested in starting up again?

The Administrative Advisory Committee is hosting a Section 125 Flexible Spending Accounts information session with Pat Ferrey on Wednesday, Nov. 11 at noon in Campus Center 301. The enrollment deadline for these benefits is quickly approaching.

All Allegheny employees are invited to attend.

AAC and SAC Strategic Planning Meeting – October 29

Members of AAC and SAC have been invited to a lunch session with President Mullen and Dean DeMerritt to review the report generated by the summer strategic working groups.

If you have not yet had a chance to read the report, it’s available here as a PDF file.

If you have a question or concern you would like us to raise with the President during this meeting, you can send them in via our contact form. You can remain anonymous if you like.

Minutes from October 13 meeting now available

The meeting minutes from the October 13 AAC meeting are now available. You can find them on our minutes page.

They will formally approved at the November 5 meeting.

Thank you to Matt Gullatta for doing them for our first meeting of the year.