AV Services supports the academic mission of the college by providing and setting up AV equipment such as: slide projectors, overhead projectors, screens, tape recorders, and microphones (where the room is equipped with a public address system). Contact the AV Technician to reserve the items. 72 hours notice required.
Video projectors can be set up by AV Services, but must be reserved by the client through Media Services in Pelletier Library.
AV Services will help with video and audio recording of concerts and lectures. Requests must be submitted to AV Services two weeks prior to the event to help insure availability of staff and equipment.
Requests for video recording of public speakers from outside the Allegheny community requires written permission from the speaker. This is the responsibility of the sponsoring organization.
Students may check out a DJ system or small PA system from AV Services. 72 hours notice is required to reserve the equipment. Contact the AV Technician by e-mail or phone to arrange a time for training and pick up at the Campus Center. An AV assistant may help with set up and operation depending on their availability. Equipment is not permitted to leave the Campus.
AV Services provides equipment and limited services for outside groups. These services should be arranged through the Office of Conference and Event Services. A one-week notice is required.