City Trips

Center for Business and Economics Major City Trips City Trips are designed to enable students to travel to a major metropolitan area, visit leading corporations and interact with business leaders. Students can explore first-hand internship and entry-level opportunities, interview for open positions and meet with successful Allegheny alumni.

One student commented, “The chance to listen to young professionals speak to me at all four of the firms we visited was amazing.  I will be graduating this May, and knowing that so many of these people were in my position a few short years ago was very reassuring.  Knowing that it is still possible to achieve a rewarding career with hard work, even in today’s economy, is something that I know a lot of the other students will appreciate hearing as well.”

The Allegheny Economics department has enjoyed trips to these metropolitan locations:


New York City


Major City Trips are made possible through the generosity of Allegheny Trustee Bruce Thompson ’86.