Capitol Hill, Washington, D C.
May 1st, 1863
Dear Father:
Your letter enclosing one from Frank has been received. I have no news of importance to communicate to you this week and only write to let you all know that I am well.
As I expect you to visit me soon I wish you to bring me a few things from home. I want Ma to send me a couple of white shirts and a coarse towel or two. I think I have a pair of cloth gaiters which, if not worn out, will be convenient for scuffing about in the room. I wish you would also bring me all those lithographs of the Faculty and my school-mates, as I wish to have them bound, or put in a photographic album. You may bring two or three of mine also. Please have them neatly put up so that they will not get rubbed or damaged. I do not think of anything else that I want, but if Ma thinks of anything she may send it. If I can possibly obtain a pass for a day or two I will go back with you as far as Baltimore and visit Sylvanus.
Evrill is out at Fairfax Station about fifteen or twenty miles from here, but you can see him by obtaining a pass from the Provost Marshall. We are having a pretty good time and hope to stay here some length of time.
Hoping to see you soon, I am affectionately
Next posting: May 8, 2013
Jonathan E. Helmreich
College Historian
Allegheny College
Meadville, PA 16335