November 7, 1862

It was Lincoln’s hope that McClellan would pursue the rebels and come between Lee’s forces and Richmond. McClellan, pleading need to resupply, moved only slowly, however.              

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Warrenton, Va.,  Nov. 7, 1862

Dear Father:-

                I received a note from you and one from William and Celestia this morning which were mailed a week ago last Wednesday. 
                I wrote you last when we were at Berlin, Md. We have been marching nearly ever since. We have met none of the enemy yet, although they left this place only yesterday at noon. We arrived here about 3:00 P. M. yesterday. It is now 10:00 A. M. and we have no orders to resume the march as yet but we may receive orders to go soon. It is very cold to-day and has been snowing for two or three hours. The soldiers are shivering around their fires with their blankets wrapped about them. We seem to be going toward Gordonsville. We crossed the Manassas Gap R. R. at White Plains yesterday morning.
                I have no news of any importance to give you this week and write only to let you know I am living and well and of my whereabouts.
                I saw Wesley Burgwin yesterday. He is in the 142nd P. V., which regiment is now in our Division. He came out in McCalmont’s company. He stands it very well so far although a puny, weak-looking fellow.
                Rockland boys well as usual. I may write you a much longer letter next week and perhaps a more interesting one. I will close for this week.

                                                Affectionately yours,     James

P. S. The ground is white with snow and still more falling.      J.

Next posting; December 10, 2012

Jonathan E. Helmreich
College Historian
Allegheny College
Meadville, PA 16335