Text Version of Letter, Dated January 28, 1935

Letter from Sanger, dated January 28, 1935, asking Tarbell to lend her support to the birth control movement.

January 28, 1935

Miss Ida M. Tarbell,
120 East 19 Street,
New York, N. Y.
Dear Miss Tarbell:

Mrs. Harriman has referred your letter of January 12th to me, and I am truly sorry that you do not feel you can attend the dinner as an honor guest.

I appreciate the reasons you mentioned, but feel that the question of Birth Control involves so much of our social structure and lies at the root of so many to the social evils we are trying to overcome – that it can be regarded from the social economic as well as the personal view point. Your distinguished position in American life leads me to hope that eventually you may feel sufficiently familiar with the broad humanitarian causes involved in this question to lend the movement the valuable contribution of your name among its sponsors. I am taking the liberty of sending you, with my compliments, a copy of “My Fight for Birth Control” together with some other literature that I hope may interest you, and I would feel honored to answer any questions that may exist in your mind regarding any phase of this subject.

Sincerely yours,
[Sanger signature]
Margaret Sanger