Law and Policy Program

The Law & Policy Program provides opportunities for students to explore their interests in politics from theory to practice. Our goal is to help students focus their studies and prepare for the kinds of work they want to pursue after graduation. Students in the program work toward developing a resume and statement of purpose that communicates their interests, their values, their practical experiences, and their skills. To do this, students accepted to the Law & Policy Program take courses related to their political interests, engage in a variety of opportunities beyond the classroom, and periodically reflect on their experiences. This program is open to students majoring in any discipline of study.

How do you complete the program?

Once you have been accepted into the Program, you are responsible for working with the Center for Political Participation (CPP) to track and document your progress. To complete the Law & Policy Program, you must do some combination of the following:

Take classes that focus on law, policy, and political action

One of the core components of the Law & Policy Program is taking courses that focus on the political challenges of our time. You can take these courses in any area of study, including Political Science, Philosophy, Psychology, Economics, and Community & Justice Studies. The goal is to figure out what political challenges concern you most and what you might do to address those challenges. This is a required component of the program.

Attend public talks and workshops with guest speakers

Each year, Allegheny College hosts a variety of guest speakers, including leading scholars and political professionals. These invited speakers give public talks and lead specialized workshops on political challenges we face and the skills needed to address those challenges. This is a great way to explore your specific interests and make professional connections. It is also a required component of the program.

Get involved with research on the political challenges of our time

At Allegheny College, there are many opportunities to get involved with research about the political problems and strategies for addressing them. Some of those opportunities are available through the Center for Political Participation. Some are available through other collaborations with faculty. This component of the program is optional but encouraged. For students interested in doing work that involves analysis of policy, public opinion, or political behavior, doing research as an undergraduate is an important practical experience.

Get involved in politics outside the classroom

Some of the most important political learning we do as citizens happens outside the classroom. It can happen on campus by participating in student government or doing political journalism for the student newspaper. It can also happen off campus by working for a campaign, participating in social movements, working with local nonprofit organizations, or interning in a law office. The Law & Policy Program incentives students to begin building their resume by engaging in these experiences and reflecting on them. No matter what kind of civic or political work you want to do, building practical experience is important. This is a required component of the program.

Meet with Career Education staff

One of the most important goals of the Law & Policy Program is to help you communicate about your skills and experiences as you apply to jobs or advanced degree programs. To help you with this, the program requires you to meet at least twice with the staff in Allegheny’s Career Education Office. They can help you draw from your experiences in the Law & Policy Program as you develop a statement of purpose and resume. This is a required component of the program.

Apply Now

PLEASE NOTE: To access the application, make sure your internet browser is Google Chrome and you are logged into your Allegheny email account.

If you have any questions about the program, email Director of the Center for Political Participation, Andrew Bloeser.