Good Morning Allegheny

Hosting Guidelines

A Service Excellence Committee member and the host department contact person confirm the month and day of the Good Morning Allegheny (GMA) event. The preferred day is the third Thursday of the month due to classes not being held early in the morning, thus enabling more faculty and students to attend.  GMA will run from 9:00 a.m.—10:00 a.m.

Host Department Responsibilities:

  • Select a location and reserve the space. Attendees will mingle and typically stand while watching/listening to the event. Seating is not necessary.
  • Plan for up to a 20-minute presentation, highlighting the people and functions/endeavors of the department via PowerPoint and/or a verbal presentation.
  • Order and pay for food for the event. Typically breakfast food and drinks are ordered for 75-100 people. (Past events have ranged from 50-125, depending on the time of the year).  Please note: Gator Dining requires a minimum of one week notice prior to the event for a catering reservation.
  • Purchase prize(s) to be given away at the event. Prizes can be as simple as a t-shirt from the book store, items more closely related to your department, or any prizes you select. Past events have offered 1-3 prizes.

If desired, your department may also create a one-page hand-out with your office FAQs and information, contact and reference sheet to assist the community throughout the year.

The Service Excellence Committee will administer the following:

  • Create publicity for the event, including Facebook and Twitter, and cover the cost of any printing.
  • Create a memo for My Allegheny announcing the event at least one week prior.
  • Greet attendees at the event, provide name tags and prize tickets.

Host a Good Morning Allegheny event

Comments and suggestions for Good Morning Allegheny