Student access to all departmental facilities and equipment is the rule at Allegheny, producing research opportunities usually reserved for graduate students at other institutions.
Steffee Hall of Life Sciences: state-of-the-art facility features combined classroom/laboratory spaces, greenhouses, darkroom, aquatics laboratory, digital imaging work station, and student and faculty research areas adjacent to faculty offices.
All equipment is available for student use including: ultracentrifuge, luminescence, fluorescence and UV-Vis spectrophotometers, tissue culture facilities and equipment, optical microscopes (fluorescent, Nomarski, phase contrast, etc.), liquid scintillation counter, Real-Time PCR systems, ultra-low temperature freezers, scanning electron microscope, imaging flow cytometer, cryostat, luminometer, gas and liquid chromatography, atomic absorption spectrophotometer.
Extensive computer and projection facilities in classrooms and laboratories are an integral part of introductory and advanced courses.
Bousson Environmental Research Reserve: College-owned area with streams, ponds, wetlands, and almost 300 acres of woodlands. Find more detailed information on the land-use and glacial history, vegetation, hydrology, soil characterization and chemistry, recent environmental research, and many maps at A Characterization of Bousson Forest.