Study Abroad Internship Programs
Students develop a profound firsthand understanding of the complex economic and social issues at work in Kenya or Senegal, and learn intercultural skills necessary to become an effective leader in an increasingly interdependent world. Classes, field trips, and internships combine to form the core of these programs, administered by MSID (Minnesota Studies for International Development) at the University of Minnesota and sponsored by Allegheny College. The experience provides an invaluable introduction to international development. Classroom learning is strongly enhanced by internships in fields such as agricultural production, child literacy, community banking, sustainable agriculture, women’s empowerment, environmental damage assessment, and traditional medicine.
Nairobi, one of the most cosmopolitan cities in East Africa, is the capital of Kenya, site of the oldest human fossils yet discovered. Home to more than 40 ethnic groups, Kenya shares—with many of its neighbors—the challenges of forging a multi-ethnic post-colonial nation.
Senegal is a West African crossroads where Black African, Islamic, and European civilizations have met, clashed, and blended. Today, Senegal is often seen as a bridge between Africa and the West, where Senegalese people remain deeply attached to traditional values and cultures
Exchange Program
South Africa University of Natal, Durban or Pietermaritzburg Campuses
Durban, founded in 1823, is a vibrant coastal city on the Indian Ocean with lovely sand beaches. The city has a multicultural and multi-ethnic flavor, with its population comprising African, Asian, and Western people. The university is located in an area rich with history, where conflicts ranging from the Zulu Wars to the battles of apartheid were fought. Pietermaritzburg is set in the rolling hills of the Natal Midlands, an hour from the dramatic Drakensberg Mountains. The city is larger than Meadville, but the pace of life is not too fast. The entire region is surrounded by the famous game parks of Zululand.
The university offers courses that both supplement and enhance Allegheny’s curriculum. Students may study at Natal for one semester or for the academic year. Within the university are various sport and recreational facilities, theaters, art galleries, clubs, societies, and student organizations. Students live on campus in residence halls, and meals are self-catered.
Summer Study Tour
South Africa: Microcosm of the World
Instructed by JW P. Heuchert, this study tour is an investigation of development, change, and transition in South Africa, where exquisite animal and plant life, rich human diversity, complex history, and an exciting future make it a unique location to learn about another country and other cultures. The location allows for a focus on a variety of issues from many disciplines, including developments in social identity, economics, politics, environmental protection, communication, health, education, languages, the arts, and multiculturalism. The tour will visit many cities, towns, rural areas, game and nature reserves, historical sites, schools and colleges, and geographical regions.