Allegheny students come to Meadville from around the world. Due to COVID restrictions on international travel last year, CBE Fellow Arigun Bayaraa ’21 found himself working in the late evenings and early hours of the morning on ZOOM from his home in Mongolia. We were grateful that he was able to return safely to campus, and curious to learn more about his summer internship. We asked…
How did you spend last summer?
Arigun: Last summer I completed my marketing internship at Tavan Bogd Trade Group in Mongolia. It is one of Mongolia’s biggest companies with over 11 thousand employees, 14 subsidiaries, and 4 investment companies. I worked there as a marketing intern and worked on projects like brand awareness, market research, and mystery customer surveys. It was definitely very interesting to work there in these uncertain times because I had the opportunity to work both in-person and remote in the Tavan Bogd Trade Group to see how the workforce is shifting and adjusting with the pandemic.
How difficult was it for you to return to campus from Mongolia?
Arigun: Due to the limited number of charter flights, I had only few available dates to fly out of Mongolia and that made traveling a little difficult, but I managed to arrive on campus on time!
What is your advice to incoming international students?
Arigun: I would advise incoming international students to be active and avoid being passive. Whether if it’s meeting new people or trying out new activities, I would advise them to seek discomfort to truly grow and enjoy their time. Personally, my proudest and most grateful moments were all once my greatest fear or uncertainty, but bursting out of that comfort zone really helped me to make the best use of my time here.
Arigun Bayaraa is a senior from Mongolia, majoring in Business and minoring in Communication & Culture Studies at Allegheny. He is a CBE Fellow, Global Citizen Scholar, and the HRA of Walker. His hobbies are archery, chess, and working out.