The Marketing Monday series returned on September 13th featuring Paul Furiga, President and Chief Storyteller at Word Write, a PR and digital marketing agency in Pittsburgh, PA.
Paul learned storytelling by writing and editing more than 20,000 stories during two decades as a journalist before going into public relations. At WordWrite, he ponders the question: Why should someone consider hiring us, working with us or partnering with us? The answers to those questions help him chart the next chapter in WordWrite’s evolving Capital S Story. He’s quite literally written the book on that topic, Finding Your Capital S Story, Why Your Story Drives Your Brand.
The career path that Paul traveled to PR is a story in itself. He’s been a racetrack photographer, theater usher, investigative journalist, wannabe musician, classical radio host, broadcast journalist, White House correspondent and editor.
Paul spent several years at the global agency Ketchum Public Relations, where his clients included Alcoa, Bridgestone/Firestone and Rutgers University. When he founded WordWrite in 2002, Paul’s experience in journalism and PR convinced him there was a better way to deliver results — through storytelling.
He first learned to tell stories at Miami University of Ohio — NOT the Miami in Florida. This one is much older and there are no palm trees on campus. Paul’s degree says B.S. in mass communications — and he admits, he can B.S. with the best of ‘em!
At WordWrite, Paul takes his role as teacher and mentor seriously, working to encourage, inspire and support our team and the many fine young people he meets in our profession and community.
The Bruce R. Thompson Center for Business and Economics (CBE) prepares Allegheny College students to succeed in a diverse, global economy. The Lunchtime Learning Lecture Series provides students with opportunities to gain valuable information on topics and industries related to internships and careers.