Allegheny Fellows Interview Anne Gearan ’85, White House Correspondent for The Washington Post

Anne Gearan ’85, White House correspondent for The Washington Post On Wednesday, October 7, Allegheny College will welcome Anne Gearan ’85, White House correspondent for The Washington Post to answer questions from both the Center for Political Participation and Center for Business & Economics Fellows concerning this year’s presidential election campaign.  The Allegheny community is invited to listen in as Anne fields student questions and illuminates presidential campaign media coverage.

Allegheny Community members can supply their questions in advance of this event due to the tight time constraints, and the Fellows will ask the questions on your behalf.

To register for what promises to be a lively discussion, please email

Anne Gearan is a White House correspondent for The Washington Post, with a focus on foreign policy and national security. She covered the Hillary Clinton campaign and the State Department for The Post before joining the White House beat. She joined the paper in 2012 from the Associated Press, where she served as chief diplomatic correspondent, Pentagon correspondent, White House reporter and national security editor. She also covered the Supreme Court. Anne is a 1985 Allegheny College graduate with a BA in English and History.

The Bruce R. Thompson Center for Business & Economics is partnering with the Allegheny Law & Policy Program to sponsor this special event.