Senior Projects 2014

To Read the Abstract for a Specific Senior Project Click on the Name of the Author

Ahmed, Islam   Competition in Higher Education: A Case Study on Allegheny College

Balster, Leanne  The Economic Entrapment of African-Americans: A Study of Discrimination in the Workplace Using If He Hollers Let Him Go and Economic Theory

Billingslea, Dominique   The Determinants of Childhood Obesity: Child, Parental, Social, and Regional Influences

Broderick, James   Can Managers Use Price Discrimination Strategies to Increase Both Firm and Social Welfare?

Cole, Patrick   An Exploration of the Ethics of Paying Salaries to College Athletes

Colvin, Trevor   Determinants of Employment Growth in the Healthcare Sector

Corbin, D’Andre   What is the Economic Impact of Hosting a Super Bowl

Day, Cameron  Characteristics of Investment in Equipment and Software 1968-2011

Decker, Kelli   Just How Pro-Cyclical is the Beer Industry? A Case Study of the Mass Producing Beer Companies and The Boston Beer Company

Ekong, Nsikakabasi    Do Countries Rich in Natural Resources Tend To Have Faster Or Slower Economic Growth?

El-Sabeh, Jordan   Job-Hopping: How Frequent Job Mibility Affects Income

Etherington, Alexander   Economic Impact of Hosting Mega Sporting Events

Fung, Sara   Evaluating the Successes and Failures of the 1996 PRWORA

Gittens, Isaac   Unintended Consequences of No Child Left Behind: Does NCLB Marginalize Equity for Lower Income Students in NJ: Based Upon Location

Hill, Zach   Economic vs. Social Impacts of Commercial Casinos

Hogya, Tyler   Gun Control: Does It Affect the Sales of Firearms in States?

Joshi, Gauri D.   How Fast Fashion is affecting the Luxury Fashion Industry: A Case Study of Burgerry and Zara

Kauffman, John   Measuring Eligible Landowners’ Willingness to Enroll in the Conservation Reserve Program

Kelly, Edward   The Determinants of Employment in the Manufacturing and Service Sectors

Klensch, Zachary T.   Evaluating the Determinants of Sectoral Shifts in the U.S. Economy

Kuniak, Alanna   Energy Shocks and their Effects on Inflation

Ma, Xiaoqing (Evelyn)   Does Beijing’s Automobile Restriction Policy Affect the Automobile Sales in Beijing?

Maxwell, Keith   Disruptive Innovation and New Business Models in the Music Industry

McGrath, Casey   The Uncertain NFL: Pre-Draft Information’s Effect on the NFL Selection Process

McNany, Dylan   Examination of the Betting Market in Major League Baseball: A Test of Market Efficience

Meyer, Alexandra   The Determinates of Productivity: A Mangers Perspective

Miller, Daniel W.   Creating a Competitive Advantage in Customer Service through Service-Dominant Logic

Minsterman, Carly M.   GDP Growth: A Comparison of the United States and Germany, 1991-2012

Morosky, Garrett   Entrepreneurial Determinants: How Financial, Human, and Social Capital Effects Entry Into Self-employment

Mosconi, Francesco P.   The United States and China’s Trade Relationship: The Effects of the Deficit on the United States’ Manufacturing Sector

Moses, Katherine   Corporate Social Responsibility as a Duty-Driven Ethical Response to Global Business Pressures

Mucci, Matthew   Paving the Way for Oligopoly: Assessing the Impact of Airline Deregulation in the 1970’s

Muldoon, Colin   Nature, Nurture, or Neither? Exploring the Link Between Wage and Tuition

O’Donnell, John   How Top NBA Rookies Affect League Attendance

Payne, Patrick   An Analysis on the Effectiveness of Employment Programs in REducing Recidivism across Race and Age

Santucci, Miranda   Tax Incentives as Effective Policy Tools to Stimulate Residential Adoption of Solar Technology in the U.S.

Sellers, Kaitlyn   The Effects of Human Resource Policies on Work-Life Balance

Slutiak, Katlyn   The Effects of Increasing Technology and File Sharing on Music Sales

Teufel, Paul   The Impact of Superstar Players upon Fan Interest in Major League Soccer

Tobias, Alexandra   Economic Cluster Theory and the Pittsburgh Strip District


Vorder Bruegge, Sarah   A Study of Non-monetary Incentives and Employee Performance: A Macy’s, Inc. Case Study

White, Oliver   The Determinants of Gold Equipment Sales: 1990-2012

Winter, Ethan   Sustainability of Freemium Gaming: A Contrast between Traditional and Freemium Gaming Methods