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Alaskey, Mary: Napster: How has New Digital Technology Impacted the Recording Industry’s Distribution of Compact discs in the United States?
Armstrong, Matthew: Determinants of Underpricing Initial Public Offerings: Evidence from the Big IPO run-ups from 1995-2000.
Arnold, Will: The Impact of GDP, Population, Medicaid and Medicare on the Rising Health Care Expenditure.
Baker, Bradley: An Event Study Analysis: The Profitability of Olympic Sponsorship with Regards to Ambush Marketing in the Olympic Setting
Bartell, Christopher: Uninsured Americans and Economic Recessions.
Bonner, Greg: A Study in Capital Market Inefficiencies.
Carlson, Jessica: Absorptive Capacity and Competitive Advantage: The Case of General Electric and Pfizer.
Cimoch, Rickie: So What if College Athletes Do Not Get Paid? At Least They are Advancing Themselves Through a College Education That They Might Not Otherwise Have Had.
DiGirolamo, Matthew: A Study of the Impending Economic Impact of An Aging American Population: Change that Must Be Made For Our System of Elder Care to be Sustainable.
DiGirolamo, Stephan: The Economic Impact of Section 201 Tariffs on the United States Steel Industry.
Dopirak, Josh: Achieving Profitability: HMOs 1970-1998.
Dulski, Brian: Is Banking System Reform in China the Key to Economic Growth?.
Duncan, Scotland: Stock Market Volatility and Initial Margin Requirements: Should the Federal Reserve Return to an Active Margin Policy?.
Emery, Alicia: The Economic Impact of Section 201 Tariffs on the United States Steel Industry.
Fucci, Roxane:The Impact of the Tool and Die Sector on the Economy of Crawford County: A Statistical Study: 1977 – 2000.
Fusaro, Anthony: An Economic Analysis of Competitive Imbalance in Major League Baseball
Gearhart, Johnathan: Analyzing The United States Energy Situation
Hoy, Vanessa: The Convergence Criteria of the European Union and its Effect on Economic Growth within the European Community.
Johnston William: Risk and Uncertainty in the Aftermath of September 11th.
Kiebler, Clint: Gambling: An Answer to Struggling Economies?
Marcavitch, Philip: Paying Living Wages is Good Business: Why the Living Wage Works.
McGowan: Retirement Savings in the United States: The Use of Pension Plans to Prepare for the Future.
Miller, Matt: The Protection of the U.S. Steel Industry.
Morgan III, Frank: Building MLB Stadiums: Have They Gone From Being A Competitive Advantage To A Competitive Necessity?
Natali, Christopher: R&D as an Instrument For Success: Gaining Competitive Advantage in the Pharmaceutical Industry?
O’Connor, Kyle: Questioning Merger Enforcement: Adherence to the Horizontal Merger Guidelines.
Pero, Angela: The Importance of Technological Innovation for Competitive Advantage: A Case Study of General Electric and General Motors.
Rahimzadeh, Mansoreh: Women in the Workforce: Are they Discriminated Against?
Ramsay, Erin: Fighting the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Sub-Saharan Africa through development and sustainable economic growth.
Rapetti, Michael: An Analysis of the Determinants of Cartel Stability
Rehner, Arthur: Hit or Miss: An Economic Analysis on the Market Efficiency of
Rhoades, Kirk: False Prophecies: Trend Spotting and the Efficient Market Hypothesis.
Schwend, John: The Influence of Economic Factors on the American Amusement Industry.
Skrinjar, Gabriel: The Role of Greed in Corporate America: How Its Abuse Devastated the Economy.
Smith, Kyna: The Importance and Contribution of Human Resource Management to the Firm.
Smith, Tyrrell: The Impact of the Public Assistance Program on the Economy.
Vallos, James: The Importance of Neoclassical Growth Factors to the Economic Success of East Asia.
Walton, Joseph: Alternative Financing of Community Pools Through 501 C3 Charity.
Weber, Donald: Do Financial Incentives from HMOs Affect Physician Behavior?
Wright, Andrew: The Economic Implications a Collective Bargaining Agreement would have on Major League Soccer.