April, 2006 | Schaffnit, Rachel | The Zapatistas and Democratization in Mexico |
April, 2006 | Patterson, Laura | Las disputas linguisticas en Mexico colonial (1492-1592) |
April, 2006 | Kendrick, Ashleigh | The Virgin of Guadalupe: The Universal Appeal of a Morena Mary |
April, 2006 | Nemes, Brendan | The Roles of Societal and Technological Development in the Conquest of the Aztec Empire |
April, 2006 | Foote, Allison | Nicht Im Kern Verrottet Not Rotten at the Core An Examination of German Higher Education Reform |
April, 2006 | Terwilliger, Allison | Felix Houphouet-Boigny and the Dependent Development of Cote d’Ivoire |
April, 2006 | Ferguson, Elizabeth Ann | The World’s Oldest Profession: An Examination of Prostitution in Germany |
April, 2006 | Lewis, Meghan | Unifying the Greens and Alliance 90 in a reunited Germany |
April, 2006 | Bennett, Hillary | The Origins of Fascism in France: The Action Française from 1899 to 1944 |
April, 2006 | Mazur, Dana Lynn | Lebensborn Eingetragener Verein: The SS Aryan Race Program |
April, 2006 | Orndorff, Ben | German Militarism: An Examination of German Political-Military Culture |
April, 2006 | Gerber, Lena | The Extremist Tradition in an Increasingly Integrated and Multicultural France: The French national Front |
April, 2006 | Sceiford, Amanda | Was Schröder’s “Courage to Change” Enough to Help the German Labor Market? A Political and Economic Analysis of the Hartz Reforms in Germany |
April, 2006 | Bartosiewicz, Anna | Institutional Language Use in the European Union |
April, 2006 | Breene, Berry Taylor | The Degenerate Trajectory: Art, Politics and Ideology in Germany 1850-1937 |
April, 2005 | Oakes, Kelsey | The Impact of Political Culture on Haitian Democracy |
April, 2005 | Patsy, Maria Teresa | A Look at Swiss Neutrality and Economics and Their Impact Upon the Swiss “No” to the European Union |
January, 2005 | Meyer, Emily Jane | Globalization and Shifting Perceptions of Luxury Haute Couture: A Political, Historical and Economic Analysis |
November, 2004 | Saric, Irena | The Role of Public Prosecutors’ Offices in Civil and Socialist Legal Systems; Comparative Study of France, the Russian Federation, and Czech Republic |
April, 2004 | Strawcutter, Alissa | Blood and Belonging: Why Germany Changed Its Citizenship Laws In 1999 |
April, 2004 | Rossman, Nicholas | Policy Analysis of allgemeine Wehrpflicht (national compulsory military service) in the German Heer (Army) |
April, 2004 | Rodgers, Lauren | Berlin’s Reunification Problems and Prospectives |
April, 2004 | Moser, Lauren | Organized labor and the state in Mexico: a love-hate relationship |
April, 2004 | James, Ryan | Assessing the Evolution of the Mexican Presidential System: The Institution of Presidencialisimo and the Mexican Presidents |
April, 2004 | Hrnicar, Michael | The Social and Literary Causes of the Déclaration des Droits de l’Homme |
April, 2004 | Fraas, Kerry | Can Solidarity be Saved? An Examination of German Pension Reform |
April, 2004 | Deascenti, Krysten | An in-depth Analysis of Immigrants in the German Economy: Relief or Burden |
April, 2004 | Brandon, Jonathan | A Study of Spanish Integration into the European Union: The Role of the State |
April, 2004 | Berdahl, Siri | Ulterior Motives? France’s Abstention from the Second Gulf War |
April, 2004 | Anderson, Heather | The Transition from the DM to the Euro, is it a Success Story? |
December, 2003 | Rumbaugh, Byron | Predicting the Future: Neofunctionalism and the European Union |
April, 2003 | Hreha, John | A Crack in Democracy; Mexico’s Dirty War? |
April, 2003 | Paff, Rae Ann | Feminism in the Fatherland: A comparative Study of the Status of Women in eastern and western Sections of the Federal Republic of Germany in 1990 |
April, 2003 | Pavasovic, Tamara | Ethnicity and Religion in Bosnia: Islamic Influence 1990-1995 |
November, 2002 | Buckingham, Lyndsay | Tourism in Spain: An Analysis of the Economic and Social Effects |
April, 2002 | Bradley, Kelly | Advancement of Women in Education and Employment: The Case of Spain |
December, 2001 | Rehman, Aysha | The Evolution of the Muslim Presence in France |
April, 2001 | Ehrlich, Seth | The Legacies of World War II: Germany’s Failed Opportunities to Confront The Moral Questions of the Nazi Regime |
April, 2001 | Kobayashi, Hikaru | Mao Cult and Contemporary China |
April, 2001 | Varanthungarajan, Rebecca | An Examination of Globalization in France: Its Effects on Economics, Politics, and Culture |
December, 2000 | McClure, Megan | Music under Nazi Control: Censorship, Exile and Acculturation |
December, 2000 | Betler, Timothy | The Radical Right in Western Europe: Explanations and Observations with a Case Study of Austria and the Freedom Party |
November, 2000 | Ketzan, Kristof | Immigration and the Politics of Citizenship in Contemporary France |
November, 2000 | Vignale, Tina | Unifying Germany’s Environment: Economics, Politics and Prospects |
April, 2000 | Gerboc, Justin | Fortress Europe: Creating Trade or Diverting It? The French Perspective |
April, 2000 | Miller, DeMarco | Soccer: More Than Just A Game |
April, 2000 | Rohrer, Audrey | So, What’s the Difference? Propaganda, Tourism, and the Construction of National Identity in Francoist Spain |
April, 2000 | Schuler, Jason | Öffentliche Politik, Finanzierung und das Geschäftsklima: Existenzgründung und der Kleinunternehmenssektor in den neuen Bundesländern |
April, 1999 | Siepel, Benjamin | The Effects of Plague On Economy and Society in Late-Medieval England |
April, 1999 | Richardson, Ann | The Euro and Businesses: An Investigation of How the Euro Will Affect European Corporations With a Specific Emphasis On the Preparation of French Firms |
April, 1999 | Quick, Christine | The European Parliament: A Five Decade Search for Legitimacy |
April, 1999 | Lehky, Dyane | Guatemala o Guatepeor?: A Comparison of Coffee and Bananas as Used for Primary-export-led Growth in Guatemala |
April, 1999 | Davitt, Sarah | The Yugoslav Crisis: Analyzing the Possible Motivations Behind Germany’s Decision to Recognize Croatia and Slovenia |
April, 1999 | Currence, Michele | Moving Up the Staircase to Success: A Political, Cultural and Historical Study of the German Green Party |
April, 1999 | Cortes, Victoria | The Reduction of the Workweek in France: An Analysis of the Aubry Law and its Effect on Employment |
April, 1999 | Anderson, Koelle | Der Wissenschaftler im modernen deutschen Drama: Eine Analyse von Kaisers Gas I, Brechts Leben des Galilei, Kipphardts In der Sache J. Robert Oppenheimer, und Dürrenmatts Die Physiker |
March, 1999 | Kuder, Margaret | Second Language Acquisition: A Comparison of Children and Older Adults |
December, 1998 | Rovansek, Farrah | Reflections of the French Wine Industry’s Past: Bordeaux Grands Crus Used as Twentieth Century Investment Opportunities |
April, 1998 | Hunter, Leslie | Uptake of Iron and Manganese by Three Aquatic Macrophyte Species In a Wetland Mitigating Acid Mine Drainage |
April, 1998 | Mason, Angela | Is it Time for a Change? Switzerland Contemplates European Integration |
April, 1998 | Yoder, Daryn | The Ghosts of Austria Past: An Examination of the Process of Vergangenheitsbewältung in Austria |
December, 1997 | McGaffick, Carrie | Japan’s Decision Not To Remilitarize in the Post World War II Era: Politically, Economically, and Socially |
May, 1997 | Northrup, Victor | Die Lyrik von Johannes Bobrowski |
April, 1997 | Kuldkepp, Elo | Estonia’s Experience with Monetarism – A Study of the Estonian Monetary Policy and Its Effects on the Economy |
December, 1996 | Jacobs, Amanda | La Gréve et les Syndicats: The Strike of November – December 1995 and the Decline of French Labor Unions |
December, 1996 | Coleman, Heather | To What Extent Have the Kayapo Indians, Of Central Brazil, Been Affected by the Drive for Development of the Interior of Brazil During the Second Half of the Twentieth Century |
November, 1996 | Tyurina, Alla | Foreign Direct Investment in Russia: Costs and Benefits |
May, 1996 | Tinney, Allyson | French Colonization, Changes in Land-use, and Environmental Degradation in Senegal |
May, 1996 | Backhaus, Melanie | The Role of the United States Intelligence Community in Economic Espionage: A Comparative Analysis of French & American Agencies |
April, 1996 | Schweitzer, Erika | Environmental Degradation in the Former German Democratic Republic: An Analysis of the Effects, Social Movements, and Policy Throughout Reunification |
April, 1996 | Ragen, Stacy | Transformation of Gaullist Foreign Policy vis-à-vis the European Union |
April, 1996 | Hernquist, Timothy | The Unification of Germany: The Economic Effects and Absorption of the Former East Germany |
April, 1995 | Jacoby, Mary | Barriers to Free Trade: French Trade Policy Examined |
April, 1995 | Hyland, Kelly | The French Nuclear Energy Export Experience |
April, 1995 | Flaherty, Daniel | Intervention, Deception and Withdrawal |
April, 1994 | Moskwa, Wojtek | Foreign Trade and Transition in Poland: A Political and Economic Analysis |
April, 1992 | Marohn, Eric | Employment Promotion Act of 1969 All Over Again! |
April, 1992 | Chandler, E. | The East German Dissent Movements: 1980 – November 9, 1989 |
April, 1992 | Mahoney, Patrick | Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces: The Federal Republic of Germany and the INF Treaty |
April, 1991 | Kasper, Edward | The Berlin Wall |
November, 1990 | Petri, David Leo | The French Objectives in the Ruhr and the Saar in Post – World War II Germany |
January, 1990 | Sauerbrey, Sara | Gesetze Gegen Homosexuellen und Juden |
April, 1986 | Müller, Corina | An Examination of the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Multinational in Brazil Utilizing the History of Industrialization and Economic Theories with a Case Study of the Automobile Industry |
Grubisha, T.J. | The Inevitability of Yugoslavia: A Historic Economic Perspective on the Collapse |