Volume 14 – (De)Constructing the Mexican-American Border (1998)
- A Central Community Among Multiple Peripheral Communities
Mónica Gendreau
Universidad Iberoamericana Golfo-Central
Gilberto Giménez
Universidad Nacional Autonóma de México - Mojados, Malinches, and the Dismantling of the United States/Mexico Border in Contemporary Mexican Cinema
Glenn A. Martínez
The University of Massachusetts at Amherst - Revisiting Selena
Silvia Pellarolo
California State University at Chico - Now You See It, Now You Don’t: The Different Border Realities for Labor and Capital in the NAFTA ERA
Richard Roman
University College, University of Toronto
Edur Velasco Arregui
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana–Azcapotzalco - Colonialism and the Culture of the Normals
Alexandro Silva
Community College of El Paso
Howard Campbell
University of Texas at El Paso - Wandering in the Borderlands: Mapping an Imaginative Geography of the Border
Santiago Vaquera-Vásquez
Texas A&M University - Works Cited
Volume 13 – The Caribbean(s) Redefined (1997)
- The Cult of the Goddess Mita on the Eve of a New Millennium: A Socio-Anthropological Look at a Caribbean Urban Religion
Erik Camayd-Freixas
Florida International University - Caribbean Identities Reconstructed and Redefined in Women’s Narrative Texts: Marie Chauvet, Myriam Warner-Vieyra, and Ana Lydia Vega
Mary Ann Gosser Esquilín
Florida Atlantic University - Towards an Ontology of Caribbean Existence
Holger Henke
Independent Scholar/Research Consultant - Multiracial Identities in Trinidad and Guyana: Exaltation and Ambiguity
Camille Hernandez-Ramdwar
University of Toronto - The Post-Colonial Tourist and/in the Caribbean
Jaume Martí-Olivella
Allegheny College - Merengue and the Politics of Nationhood and Identity in the Dominican Republic
Gus Puleo
Columbia University - Postcolonial Encounters and the Caribbean Diaspora: “Encancaranublado” by Ana Lydia Vega
Fernando Valerio-Holguín
Allegheny College - Works Cited
Volume 12 – The Fragile Chilean Democracy: Its prospects for survival in the short term (1996)
Carl E. Meacham
- Introduction
- The Dictatorship Revisited
- The Road to Change
- Constitutional Protections for the Military
- Educational Management: Higher Education
- Business, Banking and Financial Concerns
- Statutory and Other Protections for Alleged Abusers of Human Rights
- Immediate Aftermath of Transition
- Assessment of the Aylwin Presidency
- The Next Phase: Status Quo or Change?
- Summary and Conclusions
- Notes
- Endnotes
Volume 11 – Devastation in the Southern Cone: The Inheritance of the Neo-Liberal Years (1992)
Hobart A. Spalding
- Introduction
- The Historical Background and Contemporary Politics
- Economics
- Society
- Privatization/Decentralization
- New Social Movements
- Environment
- Conclusion
- Notes
Volume 10 – Nature and Bodies, Land and Labor: Mexico’s Colonial Legacy (1991)
Abel A. Alves
Volume 9 – Patterns and Prospects of Haitian Primary Exports
Yves Bourdet and Mats Lundahl
- Introduction
- Primary Exports and Economic Development
- Patterns of Haitian Primary Exports
- The Development of Primary Exports
- Prospects for Haitian Primary Exports
- Conclusions
- Notes
- References
Volume 8 – Peasant Struggles and Agrarian Reform
Leon Zamosc
- Introduction
- The End of the Huasipungo System in the Ecuadorian Highlands
- The Land Struggles in the Colombian Coastal Plains
- Conclusions
- Notes
Volume 7 – Generational Identification and Political Fragmentation in Venezuelan Politics in The Late 1960s
Steve Ellner
- Introduction
- Inter-party Rivalry and Fragmentation in the 1960s
- The Renovation Movement: An Overview
- The Communist Youth
- The Mir Youth
- The Revolutionary Copeyano Youth
- Conclusion
- Notes
Volume 6 – The State and The Peasantry in Contemporary Colombia
Bruce Michael Bagley
- State and Countryside at the Outset of the National Front
- Accion Communal: Radicalization and Cooptation
- The Asociacion Nacional de Usuarios Campesinos (ANUC): Radicalization and Repression
- Legitimacy Crisis and Rural Praetorianism
- Belisario Betancur and the Search for a Negotiated Peace
- Conclusion
- Footnotes
Volume 5 – Roots of Insurgency in Central America
Jan L. Flora
- Introduction
- Incorporation into the International Economic System and Role of the State
- Inclusion or Exclusion of Poor Classes and New Elites in the Political Dialogue
- Conclusions
- Notes
- References
Volume 4 – The Corporacion Minera De Bolivia (Comibol) and the Triangular Plan: A Case Study In Dependency
Melvin Burke
- Introduction
- Comibol Before the Triangular Plan
- The Triangular Plan: Comibol Profits and Losses
- The Triangular Plan: Comibol Technical Efficiency
- The Triangular Plan: Comibol Labor and Economic Efficiency
- Conclusion
- Footnotes
- Appendix
Volume 3 – Economic Development and Revolutionary Transformation in Nicaragua
Richard L. Harris
- Introduction
- Nicaragua’s Industrial Development Prior to the Revolution
- The Role of Industry in Revolutionary Nicaragua’s Mixed Economy
- A Profile of Revolutionary Nicaragua’s Industry
- The Prospects for Nicaragua’s Industrial Development
- Conclusion
- Footnotes
- Bibliography
Volume 2 – Politics, Fiscal Crisis and Social Security Reform in Brazil (1985)
James M. Malloy
- Introduction
- Social Security, the State, and Modern Capitalism
- Delayed Dependent Development and Social Insurance
- The Development of Social Security in Brazil
- The Question of Social Security Reform
- Authoritarian Statecraft and Social Security Reform
- The Current Crisis in Brazilian Social Security
- Conclusion
- Footnotes
- Tables
Volume 1 – Political Mobilization and the Breakdown of Democracy in Chile
Van R. Whiting, Jr.