Healthy Skin for a Happy Life as green as it gets
By Rebekah Zook
October 13, 2014
Business & Tech News, Health
NEXT Pittsburgh
Note: Aaron Conner is an Allegheny College graduate from the Class of 2012.

Aaron Conner makes light of his career choices, right on his own website. “I am a college graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Physics. Learned about stars exploding, now I make shampoo.”
Conner’s job involves more than just making shampoo. He built an almost entirely waste-free business from the ground up.
He is the founder of Healthy Skin for a Happy Life, a holistic company making bath and beauty products out of Wexford. Not only are their products entirely natural, but the process for their production is highly eco-friendly.
Conner says that it’s a combination of his collegiate experience, his many interests, and his desire for an innovative workspace that inspired him to forge his own business. And it’s his belief in their cause that keeps their products– and their process– pure.
Read the full story.