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Essay by Mattiace Published in Handbook of Latin American Studies

Professor of Political Science Shannan Mattiace’s essay on the state of the literature on Mexican politics appears in the Handbook of Latin American Studies, volume 69. Her essay is based on the annotations she submits to the Library of Congress on the best sources on Mexican politics published every two years.

Source: News Feed

Student, Professor Write Three-Piece Series for Tribune

Ian Lim Bonner ’14 and Associate Professor of Political Science Shannan Mattiace contributed three pieces to an Ernst Field Series in the Meadville Tribune. Ian wrote the first two articles, “Manual labor in the seed fields brings unexpected rewards” and “Labor Relations: Migrants work hard and face stereotypes,” which were published on January 9 and 10. Mattiace’s article, published on January 11, was titled “Moving for Work: Seasonal workers vital to Ernst Conservation Seeds.”

Ian, a student in Mattiace’s Latin American Politics class, learned about the sacrifices migrant workers make to provide for their families. He says he chose to write the series to change the disconnect he felt between the Hispanic workers and the Meadville community.

Source: News Feed

Professor’s Chapter on Mexico’s “Tranquil” Indians Published


9780199936281_450Associate Professor of Political Science Shannan L. Mattiace’s chapter “Multicultural Reforms for Mexico’s ‘Tranquil’ Indians in Yucatan” was published in an edited volume published by Oxford University Press (2013). The volume is titled Latin America’s Multicultural Movements: the Struggle Between Communitarianism, Autonomy, and Human Rights.

Source: News Feed