2015 September 02

Psychological Science Brown Bag September 4

Friday, September 4th from 12:20 pm -1:20 pm in Carnegie 110

You’re receiving this email because you’ve expressed an interest in receiving updates on our departmental brown bag meetings (“Psychological Science Brown Bags, or “PSBB”). For those of you who have never been to a meeting, this is a friendly and informal setting in which faculty and students discuss the latest research across many sub-fields of Psychology and Neuroscience. We meet a few times each semester. Each year, we also have lots of opportunities to talk about ongoing departmental and Senior project research. You do not currently have to be involved in research in order to participate – everyone is welcome!

We will open our series this year with the question “Learning How to Learn – Strategies for Long-term Retention of Material and Succeeding in College” We will meet on Friday, September 4th from 12:20 pm-1:20 pm in Carnegie 110.

If you’d like to have a look at some strategies before we meet, please have a look at the article “What Works, What Doesn’t”

Everyone is warmly invited, so spread the word and bring a friend! We look forward to seeing you there! Please bring your lunch to enjoy!