Learning Outcomes

A drawing student presents her work.

Students who successfully complete a Studio Art major will:

  • Actively engage in the production of a body of work that demonstrates conceptual sophistication while also conveying meaning, investigating human experiences, and integrating knowledge from other disciplines and cultural contexts.
  • Make original works of art that demonstrate effective use of design principles, creative problem-solving, and appropriate craftsmanship and technique, in a range of mediums.
  • Interpret and critically evaluate art and media, in writing and in speech, from an informed perspective by carrying out relevant research, contextualizing and interpreting relevant works.
  • Exhibit familiarity with the works and intentions of major artists/designers and movements of the past and the present, both Western and global, and familiarity with contemporary art and critical theory.
  • Develop professional practices through the exhibition of their work in a gallery setting, documentation of work in a portfolio, and proposal writing.

Students who graduate with a major in Art, Science, and Innovation will be able to:

  • Identify the cultural influences of science and technology.
  • Engage with scientific practices and technological development from a humanistic and aesthetic point of view.
  • Communicate the ethics, politics, and cultural implications of scientific, technological and artistic developments in diverse contexts.
  • Produce innovative works of visual art that critically contribute to scientific, technological and cultural development.

Students who successfully complete a minor in Studio Art will:

  • Actively engage in the production of a body of work that demonstrates conceptual sophistication while also conveying meaning, investigating human experiences, and integrating knowledge from other disciplines and cultural contexts.
  • Make original works of art that demonstrate effective use of design principles, creative problem-solving, and appropriate craftsmanship and technique, with focus on one medium.
  • Interpret and critically evaluate art and media, in writing and in speech, from an informed perspective by carrying out relevant research, contextualizing and interpreting relevant works.
  • Exhibit familiarity with the works and intentions of major artists/designers and movements of the twentieth century and with contemporary art and critical theory.
  • Develop professional skills, such as exhibition of their work in a gallery setting, documentation of work in a portfolio, and proposal writing.

Students who graduate with an Art, Science, and Innovation Minor will be able to:

  • Identify some cultural influences of science and technology
  • Engage in scientific and technological ideation from a humanistic and aesthetic point of view
  • Consider the ethics, politics, and cultural implications of scientific, technological and artistic developments in diverse contexts
  • Produce and/or analyze creative works that include scientific and technological aspects.

As of Fall 2019, the Art Department is no longer offering a major or minor in Art History, a major in Art and Technology, or a minor in Art and the Environment.

Revised Fall 2019.