This summer, rising senior Ray Englert is working on a research project with Dr. Tim Bianco investigating the regional economy, while concurrently working with the Director of Student Life planning activities for the upcoming semester. We asked Ray…
How did you find these two opportunities?
Ray: This summer, I technically have two occupations: research with the Bruce Thompson CBE on the economy of Western Pennsylvania, and planning events with the Director of Student Life (this one is only 2 hours per week). My first job was pretty easy to find as I received an email from my advisor, who I have taken several economics classes with in the past, that was basically asking for students interested in a research project with him. After replying with a resume that included skills relevant to the job, I landed it. My second job was similarly easy, as I was familiar with the supervisor and she contacted me from a list of people looking for help with her project.
What are your duties?
Ray: My first job is a mix of objectives. We started by working on data for social services provided by the government, condensing it into a usable form for a summary of the regional economy. I conducted several interviews with industry leaders and public servants to investigate perspectives of the economy so that I could then identify some significant aspects of the economy I may have missed otherwise. Currently I am looking into a few different topics, namely the region’s demographics and industry/business. As I collect data and produce graphs to display the data, I am aiding in writing a draft of our report that analyzes everything we find. My second job is much more simple, as I serve as an extra person to contact organizations and companies to plan programming for the start of Fall.
Would you recommend these activities to other students?
I decided to do research work on campus this summer instead of working at home because I wanted to add job experience in this field to my resume. So far, the work I have done has been gratifying, and I greatly prefer it to the standard summer job for college students. There is a lot to be said about the experience of working with your peers and Professors on behalf of the College. I look forward to finding where I can implement this work experience in my applications for jobs in the future, as I think it fits my interests well. I would definitely recommend this type of job to other students, with the caveat that they should consider all of their options before committing to a summer on campus. Wages are slightly higher at some other types of seasonal jobs currently, and some internships may be available that pay better or give you the option to not live on campus paying the cost of a room.
Ray Englert is a Business Major with a Minor in Energy & Society, involved in several areas of the campus community. He is the Facilities Intern for the Office of Residence Life, while also holding the PR/Events position for the Interfraternity Council. Ray serves as the Vice President, Alumni Secretary, and PR Chairman for his Fraternity, Phi Delta Theta.