To Read the Abstract for a Specific Senior Project
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Arato, Ruth: Bad Spuds: Problems Within the Maine Potato Industry and the Importance of Hedging its Future Contracts
Bobrow, Joshua: The Importance of Defining Strategy: A Case Study of the General Motors Company
Boscha, Pravin: The Failure of the International Sugar Agreements
Brannan, Joshua: The Economic Impacts of Green Technologies on the Auto Industry: A Case Study Examining Toyota
Buckle, Nicole: An Exploration of the Determinants of Life Expectancy and Cancer Deaths in the United States
Conrad, Thomas: Markets for Technology: A Study of Internal Capabilities and the “Not Invented Here” Syndrome
Day, Kevin: Effective Strategy and Capability Formation during an Economic Recovery: The Financial Services Industry
Devinney, Craig: NA
Donahoe, Lauren: The Determinants of Sales in the Retail Industry
Furey, Melanie: The Implications and Significance of Strategy in Successful Toiling and Machining Shops in Northwestern Pennsylvania
Glebes, Ian: Outsourcing the Military
Gordan, Evan: Determinants of Loan Repayment in the U.S. Microfinance Industry
Grossman, Margaret: Determinants of Price for a Thoroughbred Horse Sold at Auction
Hess, John: An International Perspective of the U.S. Construction Industry: A Case Study Analysis of Market Strategies in the World’s Construction Industry
Hess, Matt: CEO Compensation Strategy: Implications for Shareholder Value Maximization
Huang, Pu: Protectionism, Free Trade, and Cooperation-Analysis on Conflict of China and United States Economic Policies and Trade Relationship
Humes, Autumn: An Investigation of the Relationship Between Diversification and Performance: A Walt Disney Company Case Study
Hurtuk, Benjamin: Greenwashing in Corporate America: A Case Study of the General Electric Company
Irby, Theresa: Safety in the Cruise Line Industry: What is the Optimal Amount of Precaution?
Jones, Lauren: Upton Sinclair’s Relationship with the American Press: His Economic and Literary Motive for the Jungle
Juber, Patrick: LEED-Certification, Occupant Satisfaction, and Worker Productivity in Financial Institutions
Kacerik, Nicole: Can Cluster Thory Explain the New Trajectory of the economy in Pittsburgh?
Kelly, Nicholas: The Firm Level Impact of a Green Strategy: An empirical analysis of the impact of going green on financial and operating performance
King, Greg: The Effects of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) on the U.S.-Mexican Service Economy
Klenotic, Matt: The Credit Crisis of 2007: Asymmetric Information, Financial Derivative Products, and the Market for Lemons
Kurth, Jordan: The Impact of Energy Policy and Regulation on Auto Manufacturers: Europe vs. United States
Lambert, Lauren: The Value of Discussing the Construction of Societal Norms and Ideals in the Context of Corporate Social Responsibility
Lewis, Evan: Analysis of Johnson and Johnson’s Business Strategy
Lin, Youan: R & D Performance in China-the Case of Shanghai
Majkowski, Brandon: NA
Marker, Kelly: Cluster Policy as a Catalyst for Urban Revitalization: A Case Study of Dublin, Ireland’ ICT Sector
McGill, Samuel: The Implications of an Environmentally Focused Strategy: The Case of General Electric
McLamb, Matt: Tool and Die Firms-Performance of Strategic Groups
Miller, Ashley: Spanish Banking Competition, Immigration, and the European Union
Nordin, Danielle: A Strategic Understanding of a Religious Organization’s Structure & Strategy: A Case Study of Vatican II
Reed, Amanda: An Economic Analysis of the Profitably of Reward Loyalty Programs within the Sporting Goods Industry
Rendulic, Alyssa: The Contemporary Knowledge Worker and the Management Strategies that Sustain Competitive Advantage
Rhodes, Dan: Through the Lock-in Glass: German Economic Convergence Path Dependence as Applied to Monetary and Fiscal Policy in the European Economic and Monetary Union
Riaz, Aarish: Investing in the Future: An Economic Analysis of a Potential Wind Turbine for Acutec Precision Machining, Inc.
Sharrow, Eric: (Daimler-Chrysler Merger: What Went Wrong)
Sinnott, Jessica: Operational Effectiveness in Public High Schools
Steltzer, Drew: General Motors vs. Toyota: Case Study comparing a non-strategy for Alternative Energy versus a Toyota’s Alternative Energy Vehicle
Suchora, Steven: Application of SP and RP Methods of Modeling Consumer Choice for Market Research on the SAT Operating System TM as a Commercial Product
Suders, Michael: The Austrian Business Cycle Theory and the 2007/2009 Recession
Suen, Joel: The cause and Effects of Exclusive Contracts: A Case Study of Apple Computer and AT&T Wireless
Tudi, Dominic: Green Buildings in the Construction Industry: The Role of Environmental Labeling Systems
Versaw, Kimberly: An Economic Analysis of Overseas Expansion: The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and Spain