CPP’s work on civility & politics leads to Allegheny College Civility Award

Students from throughout the country gathered at Allegheny to join in the discussion of how to improve civility in our politics.

The Center for Political Participation has been at the forefront of a nationwide effort to stem the growing problem of nasty politics.

Since last April, the CPP has conducted three national surveys to determine just what Americans think of this declining political discourse. (You can click the links to the right to access all of the surveys/data.) And last May, the CPP hosted Pathway to Civility: A National Conference of College Leaders. Students from throughout the country came together and hammered out a 10-point guideline toward more civil dialogue.

Allegheny College has taken another significant step by establishing the Allegheny College Civility Award (which also can be accessed in links to the right). This is an award to recognize a national political figure who has shown authentic courageous civility in an important moment and/or those who have demonstrated steadfast civility throughout their career.

Stay tuned for the naming of the Civility Award recipient.