Professional Title/s
Associate ProfessorFaculty Credentials
B.S.C., Ohio University; M.S., Ph.D., Indiana UniversityBiographical Information
Courtney Bailey is an Associate Professor of Communication Arts with a Ph.D. in Communication & Culture from Indiana University-Bloomington and a BSC in Interpersonal Communication from Ohio University-Athens. Specializing in rhetorical studies, media studies, and feminist/queer theory, her teaching and research emphasize visual imagery and representations of the body in U.S. popular culture. Her courses span rhetorical theory and criticism, as well disability, sexuality, race, and democracy, and she has published articles on the documentary film Super Size Me, on celebrity scandals involving homophobia, and on right-wing feminist rhetoric. Her current project explores the depiction of heterosexual polygamy as a marginalized sexual identity, as seen in the HBO series Big Love and the TLC reality series Sister Wives.