Department: History
Email: ddelgado@allegheny.edu
Office Phone:
(814) 332-2166
Office Building: Oddfellows Building
Office Room: 109
Box #: 95
Professional Title/s
Assistant ProfessorFaculty Credentials
B.A., Niagara University; M.A., Northeastern Seminary; MTS Tyndale University College and Seminary; Ph.D., University of DaytonBiographical Information
Areas of Specialization
History of Religion in the U.S., History and Theology of American Pentecostalism, and the role of race, gender, and popular culture in American Christianity during the modern era.
Areas of Teaching Competence
Christianity in the US (Histories and Theologies); American Pentecostalism; American Religious History; Race, Religion, and Culture/Black Church Studies, and Religion, Women, and Gender
Current Work
Ida Bell Robinson and the early Black Holiness Pentecostal Movement
- “She is Clothed with Strength and Dignity: Holy Drag and the Prophetic Social Consciousness ofthe Black Pentecostal Holiness Tradition” in The Mighty Transformer: The Holy Spirit Advocates for Social Justice. Antipas L. Harris, ed., GIELD Academic Press, 2019.
- “The Practicality of Holiness: A Historical Examination of Class, Race, and Gender within Black Holiness Pentecostalism, Bishop Ida Bell Robinson, and the Mount Sinai Holy Church of America” Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies 41 (2019): 50-65.
- “The Early Hymnody of the Apostolic Pentecostal Movement” Canadian Journal of Pentecostal-
- Charismatic Christianity Vol5, No1 (2014): 43-64.
- “Gender, the Life Cycle, and the Human Body: Ida Bell Robinson” in Cultural History of
- Christianity, the 20th Century. (Bloomsbury Press, forthcoming).
- “Bossed and Bothered: A Historical Examination of Authority and Gender in the Pentecostal
- Assemblies of the World” in Oneness Pentecostalism in North America (Penn State University Press, forthcoming).
- “All in the Name: A Social-Historical Examination of the Civic Engagement of Bishop Arthur M. Brazier, an Apostolic Pentecostal Bishop on Chicago’s Southside” in Studies in the Holiness and Pentecostal Movements. (Penn State University Press, forthcoming.).
Book Reviews
- Powered by Faith: Pentecostal Businesswomen in Harare, edited by Tapiwa Praise Mapuranga ,
- (Eugene, OR: Resource Publications, 2018) in Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, 42 (2020), 122-124.
- The Spirit Driven Church: Signs of God’s Graceful Presence, by Terje Hegertun, (Eugene, OR:
- Pickwick Publications, 2017) in Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, 40 (2018), 216-318.
- Echoes of Insight: Past Perspectives and the Future of Christian Higher Education, by Patrick
- Allen and Kenneth Badley (Christian University Press, 2017) in Wabash Center's Reflective Teaching (Fall 2017). Found at https://www.wabashcenter.wabash.edu/ resources/book_reviews/echoes-of-insight-past-perspectives-and-the-future-of-christian- higher-education/
- Pentecostal Modernism: Lovecraft, Los Angeles, and World-Systems Culture, by Stephen Shapiro and Philip Barnard (Bloomsbury, 2017) in Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, 39 (2017), 385-387.
Selected Conference Presentations
- “Ida Bell Robinson and Black Holiness Denominations” for panel on Twentieth Century
- American Pentecostal Women in Leadership at the American Society for Church History Winter Meeting 2020 New York, NY January 2020
- “Healing is the Children’s Bread: Healing as Theo-Political Resistance and Survival among
- Black Holiness Pentecostals in the Urban North during the Migration Era”
- American Academy of Religion National Meeting San Diego, CA, November 2019
- Panelist for Discussion of Joy Andrick Qualls’s God Forgive Us for Being Women: Rhetoric, Theology, and the Pentecostal Tradition
- 48th Annual Meeting of the Society of Pentecostal Studies William Seymour College, Lanham, MD, February-March 2019
- “Three Strikes Against Her-She was Black, a Woman, and a Pentecostal: Ida Bell Robinson andthe Mount Sinai Holy Church of America, Inc. (1924-1946)” The 2018 Stander Symposium University of Dayton, Dayton, OH, April 2018
- “The Practicality of Holiness: A Historical Examination of class, race, and gender within BlackHoliness Pentecostalism, Bishop Ida Bell Robinson, and the Mount Sinai Holy Church of America” 47th Annual Meeting of the Society of Pentecostal Studies Pentecostal Theological Seminary, Cleveland, TN, March 2018
- “Her Skin Absorbs the Sun Rays and Her Hair Defies Gravity: Detangling the Historical Rootsof Black Hair and the Female Body in Black Pentecostalism” 46th Annual Meeting of the Society of Pentecostal Studies Florissant, MO, March 2017
- “Yes, Lord! Examining Black Pentecostal Worship Through the Habitus of the Black Folk Religious Tradition” 45th Annual Meeting of the Society of Pentecostal Studies Life Pacific College, San Dimas, CA, March 2016