Marquel Jeffries

Headshot of Marquel Jeffries
Department: IDEAS Center
Office Phone: (814) 332-3332
Office Building: Campus Center
Office Room: 308A
Box #: P

Professional Title/s

Assistant Director, Ideas

Biographical Information

Marquél Jeffries (he/him/his), a proud Buffalo-native, graduated from SUNY Oswego in 2019 with a Bachelor’s degree in Broadcasting and Mass Communication. Marquél distinguished himself through leadership roles in the Black Student Union and the Student Government during his time as a student, where he cultivated a deep commitment to advocating for the student body. In Spring 2020, Marquél joined the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at SUNY Oswego, contributing enthusiastically to supporting student organizations and enhancing campus-wide programming.

Recently, Marquél Jeffries has taken on the role of Assistant Director at the IDEAS Center, leveraging his skills and passion for diversity, equity, and inclusion to foster a more welcoming campus environment. Beyond his academic and leadership pursuits, Marquél is a passionate musical artist who infuses his creative energy and positive spirit into everything he does. His dedication to uplifting his community and promoting inclusivity is evident in his contributions to campus life and beyond.

Marquél is particularly excited about the initiation of The RISE Program at Allegheny College, where he anticipates making significant contributions to fostering a supportive and empowering environment for participating students.