Vesta Silva

Headshot of Vesta Silva
Department: Communication, Media, & Performance
Office Phone: (814) 332-4385
Office Building: Vukovich Center for ComArts
Office Room: 308
Box #: 45

Professional Title/s


Faculty Credentials

B.A., Indiana University (Indianapolis); M.A., Ph.D., University of Iowa

Biographical Information

Vesta T. Silva earned her PhD in Communication Studies from the University of Iowa. She is a Professor of Communication, Film, and Theatre and Global Health Studies. Her research focuses on representations of science, medicine, health, and identity in contemporary American public culture.

She teaches a range of courses in the department including Communication and Democratic Life, Gender and Public Communication, and a course on Hollywood representations of disabilities and illnesses. She also teaches courses in the Global Health Studies program.


Rhetoric and Public Communication, Gender Roles in Communication, Bodies and Health in Public Culture, Communication & Controversy, Whiteness & White Privilege, Advanced Public Speaking.


Rhetoric of health & medicine, controversies over autism in the U.S., speech pedagogy

More Information

Fall 2024 Office Hours:
Mondays 11:00am-12:15pm & 3:00-4:30pm
Tuesdays 2:00-3:00pm
Wednesdays 11:00am-12:00pm
Fridays 11:00am-12:15pm
or by appointment