Purpose: The club serves as an outlet for students and a social network for horse-lovers of all background and areas of study. Events include weekly riding lessons, a traveling team, philanthropy, mock shows, etc. The ACET is the competitive division of the ACEC. As one of over 300 schools participating, students travel and compete under the guidelines of the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association. Competition is open to all levels from walk-trot to an open division. The Allegheny College Equestrian Team competes with thirteen local schools in the designated region of the IHSA. The IHSA is unique in its emphasis on teamwork, networking, horsemanship, and scholarship.
Club Website: https://equestri.wixsite.com/acequestrian
Club Email: equestri@allegheny.edu
President: Hailey Herring ’26, (2024-2025)
Email: herring01@allegheny.edu
Advisor: Tricia Humphreys, Assistant Professor of Biology
Email: thumphre@allegheny.edu