Allegheny Gears Up for Annual Gator Give Day
Attention, all Gators, past, present and future — mark Thursday, April 19, 2018 as a special day on your calendars.
That’s the date of Allegheny College’s fourth annual Gator Give Day, a fun-filled 24-hour online fundraising event that has become a tradition inspiring alumni, parents, employees, students and other friends from around the globe to come together and show their Allegheny pride, and providing essential funding for students.
Since its inception in 2015, Allegheny’s Bicentennial year, Gator Give Day has raised more than $1 million in donations. Thousands of alumni have participated, representing nearly 80 years of Allegheny history from the classes of 1942 through 2020. And each contribution, no matter the size, has helped the College meet participation goals and unlock an additional three-quarters of a million dollars in matches.
“Each year we are blown away by the overwhelming generosity of our Allegheny community,“ said Sara Pineo, director of Annual Giving and organizer of the event. “From the volunteers who serve on the live feed and make thank you calls and rally their friends to participate through social media, to the thousands of donors who give what they can because they care about student experiences, Gator Give Day really shows the world how special Allegheny truly is.”
“This year, we’re pleased to announce that Allegheny’s Board of Trustees is continuing the tradition, and is offering a $200,000 challenge to the Allegheny community,” said Marjorie Klein, senior vice president for Development and Alumni Affairs. “Every gift given on April 19 will bring us one step closer to unlocking this prize for the College. It’s a powerful way to increase your impact and make a significant difference in the lives of current and future students.”
Donors are encouraged to support what they care most about, as donations can be directed in a number of ways, including academic programs, scholarships, internships, student/faculty research and athletic teams. For every 500 donations on April 19, $50,000 of the match will be unlocked for Allegheny, with a final goal of 2,000 gifts by midnight.
“It’s a fun day, full of celebration. I encourage everyone who loves Allegheny to consider being a part of it,” said Pineo. “It sends a clear message to our students, that there is a long line of supporters standing behind them, investing in their futures. And that’s inspiring.”
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