Jane Ellen Nickell

Headshot of Jane Ellen Nickell
Department: Religious Studies
Email: jnickell@allegheny.edu
Office Phone: (814) 332-2800
Faculty Website

Professional Title/s

Chaplain Emerita

Faculty Credentials

B.A., West Virginia Wesleyan College; M.Divinity, Vanderbilt University; Ph.D., Drew University

Biographical Information


  • “Making Shalom: The Body of Christ within the Household of God,” in The Prophetic Voice and Making Peace, ed. Matthew Charlton and M. Kathryn Armistead (UMC General Board of Higher Education, 2016)
  • We Shall Not Be Moved: Methodist Debate Race, Gender and Homosexuality (Wipf and Stock, 2014)
  • “Cries of Creation,” in Ecospirit, ed. by Laurel Kearns and Catherine Keller (Fordham University Press, 2007)
  • Our Bodies, Christ’s Body: Sexuality and Embodiment in First Corinthians, a Bible study for young adults (United Ministries in Higher Education, 2002)


  • Review of Entangled: A History of American Methodism, Politics,
    and Sexuality
    , by Ashley Boggan Dreff, in Wesley and Methodist Studies, 2020, Vol. 12, No. 1.

  • “The Earth Is the Lord’s: Planning Creation-sensitive Worship,” Worship Arts, March-April 2002
  • “Ecological Reform: What George W. Can Learn from John W.,” Zion’s Herald, November-December 2001, Vol. 175, No. 6
  • “Being Open to Others: Worship in a Multifaith Context,” Liturgy, Fall 2000, Vol. 16, No. 2

 Papers Presented

  • Defining Moments: Resistance to Changing Social Structures, United Methodist Scholars for an Inclusive Church (August 2019)
  • "A Wesleyan Oikos Ethic," American Academy of Religion, Wesleyan Studies Group, (November 2013)
  • “Clinging to the Rock: Social Change and Methodist Leadership,” Association for the Sociology of Religion Annual Meeting (August 2012)
  • “Religious Roots of Appalachian Environmental Problems: Lynn White Jr. in Context,” Allegheny College Faculty Lecture Series (March 2007)

Other Presentations

  • "A Gateway to Community, Cultures, and careers," Network for Vocation in Undergraduate Education. (NetVUE) National Conference, Indianapolis (March 2013)
  • "A View from the East: Contributions from Islam and Asian Religions," The Marcellus Shale from the Perspective of Environmental Ethics, Duquesne University (November 2012)