SONA SYSTEMS Experiment Management System

Welcome to the SONA SYSTEMS Experiment Management System.

The Department of Psychology at Allegheny College uses a web-based system, SONA, to manage and schedule Psychology Department research. Once you have created an account, you will be able to view current available research experiments and schedule appointments to participate in these experiments. You must be at least 18 years old to participate in the experiments listed on SONA.

SONA Log-in

SONA Manual

This manual covers usage of the system from a variety of perspectives: Participant (Student), Researcher/Principal Investigator, Instructor, and Administrator. The manual is broken out into sections based on the type of user.

  • Participant (Student) – page 11 – 25
  • Researcher/Principal Investigator – page 26 – 106
  • Instructor – page 107 – 111
  • Administrator – page 112 -114
  • General User Notes – begins on page 115

No-Show Policy

Please remember that when you sign up for a study, you are making a commitment to show up for that appointment. You should check your schedule and make sure you can commit to the time prior to signing up for a study. Students who fail to appear for a scheduled appointment, without 24-hour notification, will receive a “no-show”. If you accumulate two no-shows, you will be blocked from the system and you will not be permitted to sign up for any additional studies.