Gallery of Flags

Allegheny College’s Gallery of Flags represents the diverse student population of the College
and hangs overhead in the Henderson Campus Center. The flags represent nearly 50 nations, and were installed to welcome our students, faculty, staff, and community members from all walks of life to the campus, as well as acknowledge the large international presence at Allegheny College.

The Gallery of Flags seeks to support the College’s diversity initiatives, while serving as a reminder to students about the value of study abroad opportunities. As students prepare to embark in today’s global community, the Gallery serves as a daily reminder of the breadth of international advancement available to our students.

Flags are eligible for inclusion based on countries recognized by the United Nations and entities recognized by the International Olympics Committee. In November 2023, the College adopted a flag policy enabling Allegheny to cast a broad net to allow for international affiliations and affinities among students. Flags are displayed based on both citizenship and country of residence for a student, including those individuals who are dual nationals or global nomads.

Once per year, students will be surveyed to see if there are flags that should be displayed that are not based on current citizenship or residence. These flags should represent flags of former citizenship, former long-term residence, nationality, or diasporic communities with recent roots. Decisions on which flags are to be displayed will be made by the Office of International Student Services in consultation with the Dean for the Student Experience.

Questions about the gallery can be directed to the Office of Student Life at