Your Title IX Rights

Report an incident

If you need to report an incident of sexual assault or sexual harassment, please use the following form and follow the instructions:

Reporting instructions

After An Assault

There are several ways that you may need to access the resources and services available to survivors of sexual harassment and sexual assault.

Steps to take after an assault

What is Title IX?

Title IX is a landmark federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in education. Title IX protects students and employees from sexual harassment, gender-based discrimination, sexual violence and relationship violence.

What is a Title IX Coordinator?

Allegheny College has a full-time Title IX Coordinator who is responsible for coordinating the College’s compliance with Title IX. This includes overseeing all complaints of sexual discrimination and identifying any patterns or systemic problems that arise, working with investigators to assign and manage complaints of policy violations, overseeing and convening any appeal meetings for the Campus Life and Community Standards Board, developing and reviewing policy and procedure, and working with a team of campus partners to identify needs, educate the community and raise awareness. You can reach Joe Hall, Title IX Consultant with INCompliance Consulting at or by phone at 814-332-3085.

The College’s Policy Against Discriminatory and Sexual Harassment Including: Sexual Assault and Other Forms of Sexual Violence, Domestic Violence and Stalking, states:

Title IX: Allegheny College“No member of the Allegheny College community should tolerate discriminatory or sexual harassment, sexual assault or other forms of sexual violence, dating violence, domestic violence or stalking. Allegheny College prohibits all such forms of conduct in its community by any member of the Allegheny College community or by any guest or visitor to Allegheny.”

Additional Title IX information