We’re delighted to welcome Artist-in-Residence Steve Prince to the Art Department this year. If you’d like to get to know him, check out this recent interview in Image magazine, issue 78.
Or better yet, drop by his studio on the first floor of the Art Department, a new space sectioned off of the galleries and accessible from the corridor. He gladly welcomes visitors.
Steve Prince is teaching drawing this fall semester, but creates in various media, including printmaking and sculpture, and has worked with art students of all ages.
Steve would like to take his message to the streets. He explains: “That’s where my visual ministry is focused. That’s where my church is. My art becomes a traveling evangelism show for our contemporary culture, providing answers for today’s troubled world. But it also becomes a celebration; a celebration of that very broken yet extremely beautiful world. The art becomes a bridge to help people find their way from that brokenness to the beauty that I so clearly see.”