Nothing this week, Gators!
Check out some of these jobs and internships!
Summer 2019 Davies Leader
The Davies Community Service Leaders program strengthens the relationship between students, local organizations, Allegheny College, and the Meadville community. Over the summer 7 Davies Leaders contribute 30-35 hours a week of compensated service to our community through the months of June and July (8 weeks). Davies Leaders intern at agencies, completing a specific project. Project subject areas include (but are not limited to): environmental science, communications arts, education, and community and justice studies. Included in their work, Davies Leaders have trainings to build leadership capacity, learn professional skills, and grow a more in-depth understanding of character and citizenship.This is a work study/campus employment job. For more information please contact Bethany Cocchi at
Participate in a Gateway Network Project
The Gateway Network connects a student-faculty pair with a community partner on a research projects. Students work for 10 weeks, up to 35 hours a week from mid-May to the beginning of August. We are currently hiring 4 students to support the following projects: The City of Cambridge Springs, Community Museum of Science, Industry and Culture, Crawford County Drug & Alcohol Executive Commission Prevention Department, and Food 4 Thought. This is a work study/campus employment job. For more information please contact Bethany Cocchi at
Tuesday with Kristin