Bulletin Updates

This Week’s News from Career Education 09/16/19

Teach for America

Teach for America will have a representative on campus to introduce TFA to Allegheny College students and to recruit applicants. Tabling will be on September 24 from 11:30 AM-1:30 PM in the Campus Center. If you’d like to discuss options sooner, look for the TFA rep in the CC on September 23 with her TFA gear on!

Northeast Virtual Graduate School Fair

Connecting with career service professionals is an important part of helping students find opportunities in graduate education. This event enables students interested in going to graduate school in the Northeast to chat with over 40 colleges and universities in a convenient virtual fair. This year, the virtual fair is scheduled for Wednesday, October 2nd from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm. The event is online and is free to all students. It is a great opportunity to talk with school representatives from schools throughout New England and New York. This year, there will be a chat program covering common topics/questions students have about applying to graduate school, which may include topics such as how to write a strong essay, or who to ask for recommendations.
Use the following link to find this event:

U.S. Census Bureau Tabling

The U.S. Census Bureau will be on campus to recruit for a variety of 2020 census positions on Wednesday, September 25, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Campus Center lobby.

Capital University: Ways to Reduce Debt in Law School with alumna Jason Owen

When: Monday, September 30 | 4PM

Where: Pelletier Collaboratory | Room 310

What: Jason Owen, Allegheny alumnus and Interim Director of JD Admission at Capital Law School, will be on campus to discuss ways to diminish law school spending to reduce student debt. He will also cover financing options at Capital University.

Resume Doctor

When: Tuesday, October 1 | 11:30AM-1:30PM

Where: Campus Center Lobby

What: Bring a copy of your resume to get a check up!

Study Away & Internship Semester Experience

What: At the Philadelphia Center you can explore your post-graduate interests with a faculty guided internship experience with over 800 companies and organizations. The Philadelphia Center is an Allegheny sponsored study away program, so you will have little additional cost from your usual semester costs at Allegheny. You will also add the Philadelphia Center alumni network to your Allegheny network and have a great experience in the City of Brotherly Love.  This is a great program for students who want to explore a particular interest and gain experience, as well as for international students. Contact Lucinda Morgan, Director, International Education, lmorgan@allegheny.edu, (814) 332-4891.  

WestPACS Jobs and Internships Fair

When: Wednesday, October 9th | 10AM-2PM

Where: Campus Center Lobby

What: Nearly 200 employers will be in attendance to connect with students, providing them on the site opportunities to build employer relations, submit their resume for review, or simply learn about the various career paths afforded to them.

Students who will need transportation to the fair will need to sign up by 4 PM on Friday, October 4. Students can register to attend the fair for free if they sign up before midnight on Wednesday, October 6. $10 to reserve/ $5 return if they show up; Will need to sign up and pay at Career Education office.

Quick Questions in Career Education  2PM-4PM
Tuesday with Kristin
Wednesday with Jim
Thursday with Autumn

This Weeks new from Career Education 09/09/19

Teach for America

Teach for America will have a representative on campus to introduce TFA to Allegheny College students and to recruit applicants. Tabling will be on September 24 from 11:30 AM-1:30 PM in the Campus Center. If you’d like to discuss options sooner, look for the TFA rep in the CC on September 23 with her TFA gear on!

Northeast Virtual Graduate School Fair

Connecting with career service professionals is an important part of helping students find opportunities in graduate education. This event enables students interested in going to graduate school in the Northeast to chat with over 40 colleges and universities in a convenient virtual fair. This year, the virtual fair is scheduled for Wednesday, October 2nd from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm. The event is online and is free to all students. It is a great opportunity to talk with school representatives from schools throughout New England and New York. This year, there will be a chat program covering common topics/questions students have about applying to graduate school, which may include topics such as how to write a strong essay, or who to ask for recommendations.
Use the following link to find this event:

Resume Doctor

When: Thursday, September 12 | 11:30AM-1:30PM

Where: Campus Center Lobby

What: Bring a copy of your resume to the first resume doctor of the semester!

Gateway Open House and Poster Symposium

When: Friday, September 13 | 12PM-1:30PM

Where: Pelletier Main Floor

What: Join the Gateway as we celebrate the accomplishments of our students! Poster presentations will reflect the vast experiences our Gators engaged in such as research, internships, community-based projects, study away experiences, etc.

Keep an eye out on Gator Connect for opportunities!

Quick Questions in Career Education  2PM-4PM
Tuesday with Kristin
Wednesday with Jim
Thursday with Amber

This Week’s News from Career Education 9/02/19

Nothing this week, Gators!

Get the scoop with UPMC

When: Wednesday, September 4 | 12pM

Where: Pelletier Collaboratory room 310

What:  Grab a spoon with Rachel McKee of UPMC Talent Acquisition. She’ll be visiting campus to present a workshop on general video interviewing skills as well as discussing how to prepare specifically for UPMC video interviews. Ice cream included.

Sign up to present at the Gateway Open House and Poster Symposium

When: Friday, September 13 | 12pM-1:30PM

Where: Main level of Pelletier Library

What: Help the Gateway showcase the amazing work our students completed this past summer—whether it took place on or off campus. The Gateway Open House and Poster Symposium will be on Friday, September 13, from noon to 1:30 p.m. on the main level of the Pelletier Library. If you would like to present your work at this event, please sign up using this Google form by Friday, September 6, and plan to have a poster completed and dropped off to the Printshop by Tuesday, September 10. More details will be shared by the URSCA office with students who sign-up about how to develop and present a poster and the URSCA office will pay for the cost of printing the poster. If you have any questions, please contact Professor Aimee Knupsky at aknupsky@allegheny.edu.

Nothing yet!

Quick Questions in Career Education  2PM-4PM
Tuesday with Kristin
Wednesday with Jim
Thursday with Autumn

This Week’s News from Career Education 4/29/19

Nothing this week, Gators!

Good luck with Finals!

Need a Brain Break?

When: Wednesday, May 1 | 10AM-3PM

Where: Career Education Office

What: Come by Career Education to take a Brain Break on us! Enjoy some FREE snacks to push you through the study day.

ALS Association WPA

The ALS Association WPA Chapter seeks to hire two graduating Allegheny students to take on the roles of Development Associate and Marketing and Advocacy Associate.

These opportunities came to us c/o alumnus Ryan Reczek, Class of 2011. Both opportunities are full-time, professional positions that are open to all majors.

To apply please submit a cover letter and resume to ryan@cure4als.org

Summer 2019 Davies Leader

The Davies Community Service Leaders program strengthens the relationship between students, local organizations, Allegheny College, and the Meadville community. Over the summer 7 Davies Leaders contribute 30-35 hours a week of compensated service to our community through the months of June and July (8 weeks). Davies Leaders intern at agencies, completing a specific project. Project subject areas include (but are not limited to): environmental science, communications arts, education, and community and justice studies. Included in their work, Davies Leaders have trainings to build leadership capacity, learn professional skills, and grow a more in-depth understanding of character and citizenship.This is a work study/campus employment job. For more information please contact Bethany Cocchi at bcocchi@allegheny.edu.

Participate in a Gateway Network Project

The Gateway Network connects a student-faculty pair with a community partner on a research projects. Students work for 10 weeks, up to 35 hours a week from mid-May to the beginning of August. We are currently hiring 4 students to support the following projects: The City of Cambridge Springs, Community Museum of Science, Industry and Culture, Crawford County Drug & Alcohol Executive Commission Prevention Department, and Food 4 Thought. This is a work study/campus employment job. For more information please contact Bethany Cocchi at bcocchi@allegheny.edu.

Quick Questions in Career Education  2PM-4PM
Tuesday with Kristin
Wednesday with Jim
Thursday with Amber

This Week’s News from Career Education 4/22/19

Nothing this week, Gators!

Check out some of these jobs and internships!

Summer 2019 Davies Leader

The Davies Community Service Leaders program strengthens the relationship between students, local organizations, Allegheny College, and the Meadville community. Over the summer 7 Davies Leaders contribute 30-35 hours a week of compensated service to our community through the months of June and July (8 weeks). Davies Leaders intern at agencies, completing a specific project. Project subject areas include (but are not limited to): environmental science, communications arts, education, and community and justice studies. Included in their work, Davies Leaders have trainings to build leadership capacity, learn professional skills, and grow a more in-depth understanding of character and citizenship.This is a work study/campus employment job. For more information please contact Bethany Cocchi at bcocchi@allegheny.edu.

Participate in a Gateway Network Project

The Gateway Network connects a student-faculty pair with a community partner on a research projects. Students work for 10 weeks, up to 35 hours a week from mid-May to the beginning of August. We are currently hiring 4 students to support the following projects: The City of Cambridge Springs, Community Museum of Science, Industry and Culture, Crawford County Drug & Alcohol Executive Commission Prevention Department, and Food 4 Thought. This is a work study/campus employment job. For more information please contact Bethany Cocchi at bcocchi@allegheny.edu.

Quick Questions in Career Education  2PM-4PM
Tuesday with Kristin
Wednesday with Jim
Thursday with Amber

This Week’s News from Career Education 4/15/19

Nothing this week, Gators!

Check out some of these jobs and internships!

Summer 2019 Davies Leader

The Davies Community Service Leaders program strengthens the relationship between students, local organizations, Allegheny College, and the Meadville community. Over the summer 7 Davies Leaders contribute 30-35 hours a week of compensated service to our community through the months of June and July (8 weeks). Davies Leaders intern at agencies, completing a specific project. Project subject areas include (but are not limited to): environmental science, communications arts, education, and community and justice studies. Included in their work, Davies Leaders have trainings to build leadership capacity, learn professional skills, and grow a more in-depth understanding of character and citizenship.This is a work study/campus employment job. For more information please contact Bethany Cocchi at bcocchi@allegheny.edu.

Participate in a Gateway Network Project

The Gateway Network connects a student-faculty pair with a community partner on a research projects. Students work for 10 weeks, up to 35 hours a week from mid-May to the beginning of August. We are currently hiring 4 students to support the following projects: The City of Cambridge Springs, Community Museum of Science, Industry and Culture, Crawford County Drug & Alcohol Executive Commission Prevention Department, and Food 4 Thought. This is a work study/campus employment job. For more information please contact Bethany Cocchi at bcocchi@allegheny.edu.

Quick Questions in Career Education  2PM-4PM
Tuesday with Kristin
Wednesday with Jim
Thursday with Amber

This Week’s News from Career Education 4/08/19

Nothing this week, Gators!

UPMC College Connector Day

When: Wednesday, April 10 |12 pm – 5 pm

Where: eCenter @ LindenPointe | 3580 Innovation Way | Hermitage, PA 16148

What: The eCenter at LindenPointe in Hermitage, PA will host recruiters from UPMC to promote employment opportunities in a wide variety of non-clinical careers. We are able to take nine students to this event which is open to Juniors and Seniors. Preference will be given to Seniors. Positions include Finance, Supply Chain, Marketing, Business Development and more. Interested students MUST preregister and pay a $5 deposit in the Career Education office with Rhonda by 4 PM on Wednesday, April 3.

FNB College Connector Day

When: Thursday, April 11 |12 pm – 5 pm

Where: eCenter @ LindenPointe | 3580 Innovation Way | Hermitage, PA 16148

What: First National Bank’s College Connector Day is geared towards students achieving degrees in Economics, Political Science, Computer Science, and Mathematics and will include two afternoon presentations. Transportation is provided by Career Education. Interested students MUST preregister and pay a $5 deposit in the Career Education office with Rhonda by 4 PM on Wednesday, April 3.

Summer 2019 Davies Leader

The Davies Community Service Leaders program strengthens the relationship between students, local organizations, Allegheny College, and the Meadville community. Over the summer 7 Davies Leaders contribute 30-35 hours a week of compensated service to our community through the months of June and July (8 weeks). Davies Leaders intern at agencies, completing a specific project. Project subject areas include (but are not limited to): environmental science, communications arts, education, and community and justice studies. Included in their work, Davies Leaders have training to build leadership capacity, learn professional skills, and grow a more in-depth understanding of character and citizenship. This is a work-study/campus employment job. For more information please contact Bethany Cocchi at bcocchi@allegheny.edu.

Participate in a Gateway Network Project

The Gateway Network connects a student-faculty pair with a community partner on research projects. Students work for 10 weeks, up to 35 hours a week from mid-May to the beginning of August. We are currently hiring 4 students to support the following projects: The City of Cambridge Springs, Community Museum of Science, Industry, and Culture, Crawford County Drug & Alcohol Executive Commission Prevention Department, and Food 4 Thought. This is a work-study/campus employment job. For more information please contact Bethany Cocchi at bcocchi@allegheny.edu.

Quick Questions in Career Education  2PM-4PM
Tuesday with Kristin, Wednesday with Jim, Thursday with Amber

This Week’s News from Career Education 4/01/19

Glade Run Lutheran Service Info Session

What: With a focus on education, mental health, autism, and unique therapeutic (equine, animal and horticulture) offerings, Glade Run has a long tradition of linking faith and service. Last year, Glade Run served over 4,000 individuals with impactful, innovative programs in school, home, and community settings.

When: April 2, 2019 | 12:30-1:20pm

Where: Carnegie Hall Room 110

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Information Session

What: The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) wants YOU! Eze Amadi will present a “How to Pursue a Career” with the FDIC and get a free lunch!. Don’t hesitate to investigate this great opportunity. Another benefit of this informational presentation is that you will learn what it takes to prepare for these high-level positions.
Open to all students at all levels.

When: April 3, 2019| 12:00-1:00pm

Where: Campus Center 303

Resume Doctor

When: Wednesday, April 3 | 11:30am – 1:30 pm

Where: Campus Center Lobby

What: Last resume doctor of the academic year! Get your materials together before you leave for summer break. The Doctor’s will be back in the Fall!

UPMC College Connector Day

When: Wednesday, April 10 |12 pm – 5 pm

Where: eCenter @ LindenPointe | 3580 Innovation Way | Hermitage, PA 16148

What: The eCenter at LindenPointe in Hermitage, PA will host recruiters from UPMC to promote employment opportunities in a wide variety of non-clinical careers. We are able to take nine students to this event which is open to Juniors and Seniors. Preference will be given to Seniors. Positions include Finance, Supply Chain, Marketing, Business Development and more. Interested students MUST preregister and pay a $5 deposit in the Career Education office with Rhonda by 4 PM on Wednesday, April 3.

FNB College Connector Day

When: Thursday, April 11 |12 pm – 5 pm

Where: eCenter @ LindenPointe | 3580 Innovation Way | Hermitage, PA 16148

What: First National Bank’s College Connector Day is geared towards students achieving degrees in Economics, Political Science, Computer Science, and Mathematics and will include two afternoon presentations. Transportation is provided by Career Education. Interested students MUST preregister and pay a $5 deposit in the Career Education office with Rhonda by 4 PM on Wednesday, April 3.

Carnegie Mellon University Summer Security Intensive Fellowship

As our world becomes increasingly digitized, the privacy, intellectual property, and fraud risks continue to grow. These cyber threats are highly relevant to all sectors of the economy, which is driving a major talent shortage for the information security industry. Our Summer Security Intensive will begin to prepare its participants for a career in this high-growth field.

IT Lab: Summer Security Intensive (SSI) is a paid seven-week summer fellowship where participants:

  • Study with the world’s leading security, analytics, and policy researchers, including the CERT division of the Software Engineering Institute
  • Take coursework in security analytics and policy
  • Apply the knowledge, skills, and abilities gained through experiential learning to improve the cybersecurity posture for local organizations

SSI is a fellowship program for rising college seniors. This program is designed for U.S. citizens and permanent residents interested in pursuing graduate degrees and careers in the information security sector.

Students who complete SSI and are later admitted to a master’s program at Heinz College will be eligible to receive a scholarship of at least 50% of tuition.

Priority Application Deadline: February 1, 2019 (receive admission decision by mid-February)
Final Application Deadline: April 1, 2019 (receive admission decision by May 1)
Dates: June 13, 2019 to August 3, 2019
Financial Support: Heinz College will cover costs of participation in the IT Lab program. This includes the costs of housing, meals, tuition, books, supplies, social functions, travel expens­es to and from Pittsburgh (within the United States) AND a $1,500 stipend.

Summer 2019 Davies Leader

The Davies Community Service Leaders program strengthens the relationship between students, local organizations, Allegheny College, and the Meadville community. Over the summer 7 Davies Leaders contribute 30-35 hours a week of compensated service to our community through the months of June and July (8 weeks). Davies Leaders intern at agencies, completing a specific project. Project subject areas include (but are not limited to): environmental science, communications arts, education, and community and justice studies. Included in their work, Davies Leaders have trainings to build leadership capacity, learn professional skills, and grow a more in-depth understanding of character and citizenship.This is a work study/campus employment job. For more information please contact Bethany Cocchi at bcocchi@allegheny.edu.

Participate in a Gateway Network Project

The Gateway Network connects a student-faculty pair with a community partner on a research projects. Students work for 10 weeks, up to 35 hours a week from mid-May to the beginning of August. We are currently hiring 4 students to support the following projects: The City of Cambridge Springs, Community Museum of Science, Industry and Culture, Crawford County Drug & Alcohol Executive Commission Prevention Department, and Food 4 Thought. This is a work study/campus employment job. For more information please contact Bethany Cocchi at bcocchi@allegheny.edu.

Quick Questions in Career Education  2PM-4PM
Tuesday with Kristin, Wednesday with Jim, Thursday with Amber

This Week’s News from Career Education 3/11/19

Nothing this week, Gators.

Have a great Spring Break!

WestPACS Job and Internship Fair

When: Wednesday, March 13

Where: Monroeville Convention Center

What: Come to the largest job fair in the region! Connect with employers and explore career opportunities.

Visit Career Education for more information. Last day to sign up is March 11.

Carnegie Mellon University Summer Security Intensive Fellowship

As our world becomes increasingly digitized, the privacy, intellectual property, and fraud risks continue to grow. These cyber threats are highly relevant to all sectors of the economy, which is driving a major talent shortage for the information security industry. Our Summer Security Intensive will begin to prepare its participants for a career in this high-growth field.

IT Lab: Summer Security Intensive (SSI) is a paid seven-week summer fellowship where participants:

  • Study with the world’s leading security, analytics, and policy researchers, including the CERT division of the Software Engineering Institute
  • Take coursework in security analytics and policy
  • Apply the knowledge, skills, and abilities gained through experiential learning to improve the cybersecurity posture for local organizations

SSI is a fellowship program for rising college seniors. This program is designed for U.S. citizens and permanent residents interested in pursuing graduate degrees and careers in the information security sector.

Students who complete SSI and are later admitted to a master’s program at Heinz College will be eligible to receive a scholarship of at least 50% of tuition.

Priority Application Deadline: February 1, 2019 (receive admission decision by mid-February)
Final Application Deadline: April 1, 2019 (receive admission decision by May 1)
Dates: June 13, 2019 to August 3, 2019
Financial Support: Heinz College will cover costs of participation in the IT Lab program. This includes the costs of housing, meals, tuition, books, supplies, social functions, travel expens­es to and from Pittsburgh (within the United States) AND a $1,500 stipend.

Quick Questions in Career Education  2PM-4PM
Tuesday with Kristin, Wednesday with Jim, Thursday with Amber

This Week’s News from Career Education 3/03/19

Nothing this week, Gators.

Have a great Spring Break!

Resume Doctor

When: Wednesday, March 6 | 11:30am – 1:30 pm

Where: Campus Center Lobby

What: Launch your post Allegheny College Career with a year of paid service! Join representatives from AmeriCorps VISTA (LEL), AmeriCorps KEYS, Peace Corps, PULSE, City Year Cleveland, and AmeriCorps NCCC to learn more about their organizations. Meet with representatives shortly after the event during their office hours!

WestPACS Job and Internship Fair

When: Wednesday, March 13

Where: Monroeville Convention Center

What: Come to the largest job fair in the region! Connect with employers and explore career opportunities.

Visit Career Education for more information. Last day to sign up is March 11.

Carnegie Mellon University Summer Security Intensive Fellowship

As our world becomes increasingly digitized, the privacy, intellectual property, and fraud risks continue to grow. These cyber threats are highly relevant to all sectors of the economy, which is driving a major talent shortage for the information security industry. Our Summer Security Intensive will begin to prepare its participants for a career in this high-growth field.

IT Lab: Summer Security Intensive (SSI) is a paid seven-week summer fellowship where participants:

  • Study with the world’s leading security, analytics, and policy researchers, including the CERT division of the Software Engineering Institute
  • Take coursework in security analytics and policy
  • Apply the knowledge, skills, and abilities gained through experiential learning to improve the cybersecurity posture for local organizations

SSI is a fellowship program for rising college seniors. This program is designed for U.S. citizens and permanent residents interested in pursuing graduate degrees and careers in the information security sector.

Students who complete SSI and are later admitted to a master’s program at Heinz College will be eligible to receive a scholarship of at least 50% of tuition.

Priority Application Deadline: February 1, 2019 (receive admission decision by mid-February)
Final Application Deadline: April 1, 2019 (receive admission decision by May 1)
Dates: June 13, 2019 to August 3, 2019
Financial Support: Heinz College will cover costs of participation in the IT Lab program. This includes the costs of housing, meals, tuition, books, supplies, social functions, travel expens­es to and from Pittsburgh (within the United States) AND a $1,500 stipend.

Quick Questions in Career Education  2PM-4PM
Tuesday with Kristin, Wednesday with Jim, Thursday with Amber