OneVoice Movement visits Allegheny

     An Israeli and a Palestinian representing the grassroots OneVoice Movement will visit Allegheny College Feb. 18-19 as part of the Center for Political Participation’s focus on civility.

     The public is invited to attend a presentation by OneVoice at the Tillotson Room of the Tippie Alumni Center at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 18. OneVoice is an international organization that aims to empower citizens to achieve conflict resolution in the Middle East. 

     As part of their two-day visit to Allegheny, members of OneVoice also will hold a conflict resolution workshop Feb. 19 from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. in Rooms 301 and 302 at the Campus Center. The workshop will teach students about the OneVoice model of conflict resolution and provide a simulated town hall meeting.

     Questions?  Call the CPP at 814-332-6202, or e-mail