Please keep masking up on campus!

Dear Allegheny College Community,

We have received many questions about masking on campus, especially given the CDC’s new guidance and President Biden’s recent press conference.

Right now, 65% of responding Allegheny College students report full or partial vaccination status. That is not enough to safely remove masks at this time on campus. Please continue to wear your mask inside and outside. As a reminder, students can report their vaccination status here.

Masks will be required at Commencement this weekend. Students are permitted up to two visitors, and that will include elderly or medically vulnerable guests who may or may not be vaccinated. To protect those at risk for severe illness from COVID-19, we ask that you and your guests adhere to the mask requirement.

Starting on June 1, vaccinated students and employees are welcome to remove their masks outside on campus. Please wear your mask when enjoying the company of five or more people or when you enter buildings. Guidance on masking for the fall semester will be determined later this summer.

Also starting on June 1, vaccinated family members of current employees, retired employees, and Wise Center community members are welcome at the Wise Center. Please contact Jared Luteran at for further information and to submit your vaccine card.

Some people will not be ready to take off their masks. Gators support each other with patience and understanding. Take your time.

Gator Strong.

Dr. Morrow