Implementation of an Approved Accommodation

Once the College has approved the accommodation, SASS will send an electronic notification of approval to the appropriate faculty members for that student.  The student should inform the Associate Dean for Academic Support & Director of Student Accessibility and Support Services when the accommodation is not being implemented, when it is not effective or necessary, when it might need to be adjusted, or when it is no longer being utilized.  Further, the student should follow through and be on time with any accommodation which impacts other individual’s schedules, such as tutors, readers, signers, test administrators, aides, or, if necessary, canceling them with adequate notice. Even though SASS notifies instructors regarding approved accommodations, it is still a student’s responsibility to arrange logistics for certain accommodations, such as extended time on exams/quizzes. Students are required to remind faculty at least (7) days before each in-class test/quiz.

Accommodations are not retroactive; that is, they do not impact tests or work completed prior to the student’s submission of medical documentation and the College’s determination of any necessary accommodation.

Students needing support services have the same responsibility as other students to meet the College’s academic and behavioral standards and to follow the College’s general policies and guidelines regarding standards of conduct.

Listed below are the specifics for how each approved accommodation is implemented at Allegheny unless other specific arrangements have been agreed upon:

Extended Time on Exams/Quizzes

Reduced Distraction Area for Testing

Use of a Computer for In-Class Work

Preferential Seating

Use of a Calculator

Enlarged Print for Materials

Note Taking Assistance